Live, Laugh and Love


Live, Laugh and Love

“Live, Laugh, Love”

Have you read that sign before? Do you have one in your home? Almost everyone I know has a sign or something that says, “Live, Laugh, Love”. I have one right in my kitchen. This morning the Lord had me up very early, and up very late last night. Sleep has not found me! And I think I know why this morning. This morning, I’ve opened up my “God Calling” book and the title is this, “Seek Beauty”.

Do you think your beautiful? This is a hard question for me…..I have learned to accept myself as I am, I have learned to love myself, but…..would I ever describe myself as beautiful? I don’t know…..But what God showed me this morning, is to LOOK for the beauty in ALL things that He has created. And He definitely created you and I, therefore, beauty.

God’s beauty is all around and it’s called…..Life. This is what my book said this morning, “Think of yourselves as My expression of attributes as a lovely flower is My expression of thought, and you will strive in all, in Spiritual beauty, in Thought-power, in Health, in clothing, to be as fit an expression for Me as you can.” This morning’s thoughts in this book go on to say basically Look for beauty all around, it’s in your life, it’s in laughter and it’s in love and it’s beautiful because God is in it!

I think of the three beautiful smiles that God has given me today to hold and to love on as His own children. I think of the beauty in my husband that he is so genuine with me…..even when I don’t like it. =) I think of the beauty in friendships God has given me. And I think of how God has truly shown me over the past year the beauty that is FOUND in friendship.

But what I realized is this………it’s all perspective, we can live like it’s a beautiful day, even when it’s nasty out…..we can laugh, even when we feel like crying….and we can love because He first loved us.

Here is a list of things I think are beautiful and I would love for you to add to it!

Beauty to me is found in:

*God’s holy word, the Bible
*The cross of Jesus
*Daffodils coming up all around this time of year
*The color blue
*Smiles from sleepy faces in the morning
*Smiles that say, “Daddy!” when Daddy comes home from work
*Little blond hair that barely fits into a pony tail or (t-tail as she calls it)
*A mouth full of teeth coming and and going out, the smile that holds it all it
*Big tall tress that sway in the wind
*People on their knees in prayer at the alter
*People lifting their hands in worship at church
*Girly’s in dress up clothes, twirling around to praise music
*Girly’s with shoes on the wrong feet
*Roses that are in full bloom
*A clean house (AMEN right???!!)
*A family all together at the dinner table
*Girly’s who sing “God our Father” for prayer but can barely say the word “Blessings”
*Sisters who hug when no one is looking
*Girly’s who pray when no one is looking
*Coffee freshly made at 5am
*A friend that calls just to say “hey”
*A friend that will listen when you need to just cry
*A friend that will laugh at silly things your children do
*A friend that loves you even in sweat pants and messy pony tail hair
*A girly who repeats EVERYTHING you say, even “Oh my gosh” and “what in the world!”
*A girly who sings when she thinks no one is listening
*A girly who writes her prayers out just like her momma
*A girly who COLORS all over her momma’s prayer journal

This list could go on and on for me this morning……but I gotta get my day going! I would love, love, love to hear where you find God’s beauty every day. What makes you want to live? What do you love? And what makes you laugh? Ok, off I go, have a blessed, wonderful God-filled beautiful day!

Listen to a bird. Take the song as a message form My Father. Let it sink into your soul……Laugh more, laugh often. Love more. I am with you. I am your Lord.” (GC)

ps- just another awesome update for She speaks total: $380!! Praise the Lord!! He’s sooo awesome!! Thank you all again!!




  • Hi Nikki,

    I have watched you faithfully visit Laced With Grace each day to enter. I am so thankful you will be able to attend and I thought it is sweet to offer your entries to another.

    My name is Lynn and I hope I have the opportunity to meet you at the conference. God has GIANT things planned for you. I can’t wait to see what comes from this adventure. God bless you my sister and I will see you in June.

    BTW, I have that signin my kitchen too!!! 🙂

  • I’m definitely with you on the girly’s hair that barely fits in a ponytail, coffee at 5 am, and a clean house (I rarely see that beauty!!) and of course EVERYTHING about Jesus is beautiful! 🙂 I’d add a face and toothless grin covered in mushy Oreos, and a little bare “toilet-training” bottom running around the house – we’re trying that with EG too and she won’t keep her pants on!! 🙂
    So glad to hear about your She Speaks money!! He is providing!!

  • Hey Lynn! Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! I’m so excited that God totally provided for me to attend She Speaks and I just can’t wait! And now I’ll have another “blog” friend to look for! I wonder if we have the same sign?? =)

    Hey Amy!!
    GIRL…is it just me or is potty training a pain in the behind (no pun intended) the third time around!!! Oh my word….we are having a TIME with the Kennyboo on this one!! I loved your little list too!! I do believe it’s time for a blog for you??? =)

  • GIRL!!! Today’s GC blew me away too! Especially because over the last 2 weeks the Lord has been all over me about getting mysel in shape again then that about taking care of myself! LAND SAKES! Good stuff!

    I’m so happy for you with your “total” and girl, you about blew me away with your post on “LWG”!! SO KIND OF YOU!!! You’re amazing! I haven’t heard back from Samantha about my scholarship info yet but when I do I’ll blog about it and hopefully the Lord will provide. I asked some of my friends to start praying for me about it and one of their sweet hubby’s gave Jimmy a donation towards it already!! AMAZING!!!

    I love you girl!

  • Nicki, I think your blog was wonderful today. I am so happy about you getting to attend the conference. I will be traveling to Florida for a medical conference in June and I just don’t think I can be away from work that much in one month. I would love to go though. I love your list of some things you love. I had a terrible backache on Saturday and thought I would have to go to the ER, but my husband and granddaughter prayed for me and I was able to get back among the living on Sunday. I will email you soon. I am getting ready to head home to watch American Idol. I really enjoy watching it and I don’t think it hurts a thing. My husband always says he thinks I shouldn’t watch’secular’ tv. Give me a break. He loves his NASCAR. I don’t really think thats too Christian. Here’s some stuff I love, Jesus, of course, seafood, art, crocheting, work, music,books,hearing my granddaughter laugh. She is not real expressive most of the time so a laugh is so wonderful. I hate to say it but I love shopping, HGTV, gotta run. Love ya. Keep up all the good work! Praise the Lord

  • Val! I can’t wait for God to do his thing through this!! It’s so exciting to watch Him work!

    Hey Denise! Thank you!

    I love your list! When are you going to start a blog??? =)

  • One thing that comes to mind is when my 2 yr colors on my dining room floor when I’m not looking. I actually leave it there a few days cause one day I’ll wish it was there again……..I dont stress out over that…. It’s quite pretty to me……:o)

  • I add to that list:

    …pudgie hands of toddlers
    …American flag flying in the
    …an eight year old boy that is not too big to say, “let’s cuddle on the couch and watch a movie.”
    …barefeet in the sand.
    …ocean breeze on a warm summer day.
    …gentle rain.
    …my pajamas.
    …hearing 20 first graders sing praises to him.

  • Thanks so much for stopping and reading and commenting. It’s always so encouraging. I take it you are going to She Speaks? Cool. Maybe I will really meet you there.

    Your girls look so precious.

    In answer to your question on your post some things that make me smile or happy or laugh:
    Little children when they belly laugh.
    Seeing my pastor play the comic host (Bob) at our KidStuf service
    Having my cats greet me at the door and insist on immediate attention.
    Snuggling with the cats at night
    Talking to friends . . . .

    Have a great night!

  • I love seeing the squirrels come up on the deck to eat corn. For some reason they make me smile and think of God.

    Right now the sunshine, I love when I walk out side and feel the warmth on my arms. Also since we sponsored Onesmus in Uganda, I wrote to him about the sun is the same for me and him. So when I feel or see the sun, it reminds me to pray for him.

    Have a great day!

  • I love that the sunshine is actually starting to feel warm again and that a fire in the woodstove is actually making my house so hot that I need to have some windows open. I love that we’ve had three days and two nights in a row now where the temps have been above freezing (except now there’s suddenly a lot of exposed doggy bidness all over the yard that I’m definitely NOT thankful for!) ~ woo-hoo! The beauty of spring is on its way!!!

  • Mmm, I second ALL of yours!

    the long, diverse line of people going up for communion, all ages, colors, styles, and income levels, Beautiful!

    The family sitting down for a meal together…

    My husband in uniform…

    The Guys working or goofing together!

    My Mom & Dad!

    My nieces and nephews!

    Christmas trees, lights and such!

    Mimosa trees in bloom!

    Hands held high in praise!

    the twinkling eyes and smile of my husband!

    The smile of either of my sons!

    I could go on way too long!

    Life IS surely beautiful!


  • It lifts my heart to hear you pour yours out.
    I saw your comment on Laced With Grace–praise God!
    I did not get there every day so I am glad that God has brought this journey to a victorious end.
    I enjoyed the beauty of a blue sky today. Oh and of course my cup of coffee. 🙂

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