Moving along through Malachi


Moving along through Malachi

I am super tired this morning, it has been go go go for the last few days, which is good, but I’m actually very glad the girl’s don’t have school today and we are just going to hang out and clean. =) They don’t know that yet, but we are. My prayer partner and I will meet for a little bit this morning, but other than that, that’s it today……and I’m ok with that! =)

It was hard to get out of bed this morning, but then I thought about the challenge I gave all of us ladies at bible study on Wed night. For the course of the class (five weeks) to make God number one each and every day! So Lord, I’m am up and at em this morning, ready for you to speak!

Return To Him

Malachi 3:6-7 “I the Lord do not change. SO you O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. Ever since the time of your forefathers you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you, says the Lord Almighty.”

Oh Lord, you are speaking to me about so much of this verse! But I have to tell you all that this isn’t the only place this scripture is found in the bible. The other place is Zachariah 1:3. Each and every day, we wake up with the option. To choose Christ to or not to. We may choose Christ eternally, meaning we choose for him to be our salvation, but do we choose Him every day? I will be honest and say, there have been days where I have not chosen Christ. And I can assure you, those days, are not the highlights of my life!

I think for some reason, when things get hard, we get engulfed in sin, or we just get side-tracked with our walks with God, we wait for these HUGE “A HA” moments to return God. Like, when I was walking in darkness, I kept waiting for God to grab me and shake me until I got it right. And I was mad at Him for allowing me to walk in darkness…, “How could you allow this Lord???? You KNOW who I am!!” I am no one……is what God showed me over and over. Just because I spend time with Him each day and have a deep hunger for Him…..that doesn’t exclude me from the “sin factor”.

So when sin and darkness come our way and we choose that route and then we wonder why God allowed it……we have to look at this verse. It says, “Return to ME and I will return to you.” It DOES NOT say, “Walk away from me and I will grab you” or “Turn your back towards me and I will swing you back around”……..God is always here, always waiting, always hoping…..but it’s a choice for us. And sometimes we forget that.

But what God showed me this morning is this…….EACH DAY, EACH DAY, I have to return to Him. Because if I don’t, I allow a foot hole for the enemy to step in. I may not recognize those attacks as they are. We can’t fake our relationships with God….that is just the one thing that just won’t work out in the long run. We can’t justify not spending time with Him by saying, “But Lord, we’re good for a while right???” Yes, were good until that next horrible thing happens and then we are back down on our faces in tears. I KNOW……I’ve been there. And I don’t want to be there.

Life is hard……it is not easy. I know each and every day we could all blog and blog about those around us that have hurting hearts and deep sorrows. But God didn’t say this race was going to be easy. We are going to have many wounds and many, many things that knock us down. I read something yesterday that really made me sad…..we as Christians, we sure do like to knock each other down, in the “name of Christ”. I have so so so learned lately, that if I let God do his thing and I know that I am right before Him, I don’t need to say anything. There is just so much power in prayer and asking God to move and convict, rather than me.

But right here….in this verse God spoke and He said, “Give it to me each day, and I will be right there with you.” That’s hard stuff some days isn’t it? When we’ve got an agenda and deadlines and a “plan”. But God’s plan…….it’s always better, always more peaceful and always more hopeful. Do I fail at this? YES, I am always failing at something in my walk with the Lord. I will never ever ever be the “perfect” Christian. There’s NO SUCH THING. But do you know what I’ve learned??? It’s OK……..God’s kingdom isn’t going to fall apart because WE are not perfect!

Having a heart that loves Him and longs for Him and His righteousness is all He wants from us. The rest will come…..or so I’m learning. And as Mrs.Pastor Lisa said a few weeks ago that old people say, “God is slowest man who is always on time”. He’s always there, it’s just not on our agenda!! I LOVE that!!

So today Lord, I again Return to you, that you may return to me again this day. Each and every day God, I have to return to you…..because the SECOND I think I’ve got this one under control, you oh so gently remind me “Um…” I’m not perfect God, and I will never act like I am. I mess up EVER SINGLE day, and I’m so grateful that you show me continued grace that is washed over me day by day. Thank you God. Thank you for all the hope and encouragement I have received the past week. God you are providing! The She Speaks funds are up to $250 and you are still working! God we are half-way there! And I’m just so excited! Lord you have given me so incredible friends, and ladies that just love you……that alone is the greatest gift in friendship. Thank you for the hope that I have found in friendship again.

You are so good God and I just want to publicly lift up those families that lost the students in these school shootings yesterday. God…..I don’t know what is happening in our world and especially in our schools, but I pray for your peace to wash over them and for your people to stand up and love them, support them and encourage them. I don’t even know them and my heart hurts for them. Protect these students Lord, send your mightiest angels to stand guard over their campuses. All these things in your Holy and precious name of Jesus. Amen.



One Comment

  • That’s a good way too look at it — to consciously return to God each morning and start the day in step with Him.

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