This my friends… not good. Taylor and I have a very bad case of strep, and I can hardly speak….We went to the dr.’s yesterday for our med’s and I surely thought after sleeping the day away yesterday and those awesome antibiotics, I would be up and at em today………not yet. This could not come at a worse time, with bible study tonight and a “How To Make Flip Flops” presentation tomorrow night. I’m obviously more concerned about bible study tonight… one wants to listen to someone who has a squeaky unpleasant voice.
But, I know anything is possible through Christ. I know that His word is my strength and I know that HE can make me well in an instant if He chooses. This morning, I found myself in 1 Thessalonians 5:16, “Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Lord, even through the sickness you require us to praise you and that is what I do this morning! Praise you for dr’s, medicines and friends who care enough to pray, and for a husband who is oh so loving and tender in moments like this! I praise you for the healing touch I know Taylor and I will receive before this day ends!
Ya’ll…tonight’s bible study is on Time and Money, and I cannot tell you how inadequate I have felt to do this…….ME? TIME AND MONEY??? Ha. But, The Lord really opened my eyes up to some neat things and I have a great lesson planned. I just need a voice!!!!
I believe, I believe in the power of God’s hands, and I cannot wait to see how He works this out today. Because I am completely hopeless left at the hands of cough drops and hot tea with honey and salt water gargles….sounds fun doesn’t it?? Not to mention three girly’s, two of which NOTHING is wrong, so they of course are ready to do an art project at 7:30 am!! Oh dear… I need more scriptures…..Lord lead me….momma’s really should have the power of veto once a year when it comes to sickness…..WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!
Just a funny little story to tell you…….the Kennyboo has been HORRIBLE the past two weeks, it’s like terrible two’s overload……and I was on the phone with my friend and we were trying to PRAY and her son was dragging at her feet and knocking her upside the head, and she said jokingly (but not really), “Away from me satan!” and he left her alone!! Well, in the midst of choas the other day and I was trying to pray, the Kennyboo came and knocked ME upside the head with her baby doll and so I immediately said, “Away from me Satan!” and the poor girly……she said, “Ok…” Poor child….all she knows is the “no no spoon” and now this! I can ONLY imagine what she tells her teachers at school. The only reason I felt compelled to share this random story was because I just ran across the scripture that when Jesus told Satan “Away from me!”…..anyways….
Ok, well I had a lot to say this morning, probably because I didn’t get my talking on the phone fix yesterday! I leave you with the last sentence of my “God Calling” this morning which seems very appropriate and this song: “My message to you is Trust and Wait.” I have and can do nothing else today. Thank you Lord for the promises that are found in your words this morning and I trust, Trust and TRUST some more!! May I only breathe you all day and may your breath give me the strength I need today! I love you Lord!!
hello just want to inform you that youve hitted a spot in TOP FIVE HOTTEST BLOG
got an award for you have a great day
GIRL! I’m so sorry about your voice. Go get you some salt and vinegar potato chips. They are SO nasty, but I promise they’ll do miracles on your throat. I had laryngitis one year before Celebrate America and had absolutely NO VOICE that morning. I ate (more like choked down) some of those chips and drank tea with honey and I promise you it worked! Sang like a bird!
Voice was gone again the next day, but at least I made it thru that night. Worth a try. I’ll be praying for you!
Love ya girl.
Yes girl I’m serious about the chips! They really work!! They are REALLY nasty – at least I think so – but I got a small bag, ate them, drank about 2 cups of hot tea with honey and viola! My voice came back. Actually, JLo told me that trick (that’s Jonathan Lowery not the real JLo! haha)
See ya.
I’ll be praying for your voice! The other night one of young men who just dropped out of a major college, that he only lacked 1 year until his degree, was speaking. He was so sick, bless his heart when he started you couldn’t hear him or understand him and then bang, it vanished all he talked great through his lesson. As soon as it was over, he was sick again! God will give you the strength! He is leaving school to become a full-time missionary to Mexico. He is just precious and such an inspiration!
You just let Him fill you. Spend some time on your face if you can. Breathe Him in. And squeak or no squeak–let Him burst forth in the name of Jesus!
If He can use a donkey–I think He can speak clearly and freely through you!
Thank you Lord that it is all about you being glorified!
Speak through her for your glory.
Praying that you feel better!
hey – you need to go get the shot – penicillen shot… it works wonders!!!
praying – Leigh
let me know how it went or goes…
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