Ya’ll…..I know I’ve already blogged today….but I just got home from my bible study tonight and I’m just wanting to shout it out!! GOD IS SOOOOO GOOOOOODD!!! AHHH!! Thank you thank you thank you for ALL you love, prayers and support!! IT WORKED!!!
Ok, where do I begin??? It was a totally crazy day, Kennedy has never been so horrible…..and I was super nervous and just feeling the pressure. The I had major wardrobe issues…..oh my word you should see my bedroom right now. =) AHH. THEN, my friend who was helping me with the welcome table her son got really sick and she wasn’t sure she was going to make it even up to the last minute!! And then Hope started feeling yucky again and then Kennyboo started saying, “MY BELLY FULLL..that means, my belly feels sick”..so Kris had to come home instead of us all going to church……But God….yes, BUT GOD, HE is faithful, He got everyone there and He spoke a word!!
I know I shouldn’t probably say this…..but ya’ll, I was praying specific for this…I was praying for 20 women to come, I know, I know….I still would’ve done it just if even one showed up. And I had a head count of about 10…wasn’t sure where the other women would come from…..but guess what??? GUESS HOW MANY WERE THERE???? 21!!!!! God answered!! And plus one!! And it was such a wide range of women, I was so touched. And just in awe of the Lord for bringing them. And my friend made it and we had ourselves a serious God night!
So, I was SUPER SUPER SUPER nervous!! And I just kept praying for God to speak because I had nothing and I mean nothing important to say, and only He could take anything I say and turn it around! As I began my introduction….in walks two ladies, and I almost just stopped right there and cried……it was my counselor from high school when I had an eating disorder and she is so precious, she has something wrong with her eyes and cannot see very well, and it was her and her daughter in law!! She didn’t remember me at first, and that’s not why she came to the class, she came because her daughter in law asked her to come! When I saw her, she sat down IN THE FRONT ROW and that was totally a GOD thing, because she just kept nodding and giving me that smile and…..oh my word, she just BLESSED my soul so much. It was like my security blanket was there. Afterwards, I reminded her who I was and we just hugged and she just told me how proud she was of me.
So now I can tell ya’ll what my topic was tonight, I didn’t want to give it all away for anyone who reads and then was coming! =) But the first of the seven principles was 1.Revere Jesus Christ, meaning MAKE HIM NUMBER ONE. So, we talked about getting real, taking the mask off and not pretending to be someone we are not. We talked about returning to the Lord, and then He will return to us. SO many times we think God is going to grab us and shake us, but in reality He is just waiting for…..us.
Then I got into the deep part, I told part of “my story” a very dark time in my life and how God showed up big time and turned me completely around. Then I showed a video, the Natalie Grant song “The Real Me” and that video was just so powerful. Then we did some quick dollar store give aways…..the highlight for sure hee hee! And then we were done! I think I didn’t have as much material as I should have, but I think I got the message across. We were done early, but that’s ok, it gave us some time just to hang out and chat! I met so many wonderful ladies and just walked away feeling like YAY GOD!!!
I’m so excited I can’t wait for next week! I know I can do anything through Him who gives me super super super strength! For when I am weak…….He is strong. Ok, off to make two pairs of flip flops for our GEMS meeting at church tomorrow, I’m doing the presentation on “How to make them” so…I guess I’d better have some samples!! =) hee hee, Nothing like waiting until the LAST minute, that is so me. Anyways, Ok, off I go….just wanted to PRAISE HIM!!!
Nicki! What a wonderful testimony of His faithfullness! I LOVE how He showed you His love for you through so many details. Not that if things go wrong He doesn’t love us….but, when its so obvious that He is moving things for you,you just got to give Him the praise, you know?
I love the topic, wish I coulda been there! Thanks for telling us all about it!
We’ll keep praying!
I am so thrilled for you. I wish I could have been there. God is so excellent! He sent someone from your past and you said it made you feel like a security blanket..I am so happy for you. When we turn it all over to Him then He can make things so complete. My friend Shelley is doing better. The tumor on her lung has been shrinking and they are going to try and start back with the rest of the treatments. She is still in Fla with her parents, but I think that is probably a good thing. I’m sure her husband misses her, but it probably helps the healing process. Thank you so much for asking about her and praying for her. She still needs continued prayer. I need to get your email address. I can’t remember if it’s on the blog, but I wanted to write to you directly. Thank you for leading the study and touching those women. God is Faithful!!!
Way to go! I’m glad it went so well for you!
Have a great day!
YAY GOD!!! Prayed for you as I walked the halls thru the Ed bldg on my way to Children’s Choir. You know if I wasn’t committed up there I would LOVE to have come!
So proud of you girl!
God will continue to use you to bless many!
praise Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am speechless!!!
love you!!!
Trish, if you check back on this, thanks for letting me know how Shelly is! my e-mail is knkoziarz@aol.com.
Oh, Nicki, I’m SO glad to hear it went well!! You’ve done so much praying and preparation and I think you and your group of ladies are in for a very special and amazing journey.
Wow girl—how great to see the move of God in your life.
He stores those prayers and answers them in Him time.
We serve a powerful God.
I am so happy for you.
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