I have so much on my mind and heart today, I really don’t even know where to begin! It was a very busy weekend! Friday night Kris, my man, is coaching Hopie’s t-ball team this year and they were out at the ball fields practicing away. Meanwhile, while they were there….. my good friend Tisha, asked me if I could try making a diaper cake for her sister in law’s baby shower. Never made one before but I did it and totally had a blast!! I will post the pictures later! Hmmm……maybe God has something new in store for me and diaper cakes??? Not like I need to be taking on any new business ventures but you never know! I’ll post it and ya’ll tell me what you think!
Ok, so then, Saturday morning, Kris says to me, “What are we doing today?” Whenever those words leave my man’s mouth……a project is soon to follow! =) So, we FINALLY PRAISE THE LORD, painted that HORRIBLE paneling (no offense to anyone who likes it, but if you do you might want to seek out decorating challenged anonymous, my dad will totally be there with you, he loves that paneling! YUCK.)in our office/den/playroom……… But OH MY WORD….This was a project, painting and painting and painting and painting some more. I’m good in the paint area for QUITE awhile. But, it looks WAY better than it did. PLUS, the paint was FREEEEEE!!! WHOO HOO. I totally snagged it from my parent’s house, they had QUITE a lot left over after their whole house redo. Which BTW you may go check out here: http://www.carolinahome.com/findHome/report.cfm?mlsid=%26%2EUK%2DWLMZ%0A
I wish I had some before pictures….it’s been quite a transformation!!
Sorry you have to copy and paste, I’m still not knowing how ON EARTH to do that linking thing up deal. Anyways…….my mom totally gave me permission to post that, she thought maybe it will bring a buyer! You never know!! =)
Ok, so then we went shopping at mom and dad’s garage which was fun =), found a desk and a rug for the room and got it all home and TRIED to get the desk set up…….well, how do I say this……first the desk wouldn’t fit where it needed to go, then the desk almost cost me and Kris a divorce as I tried to move it TO MY SPOT and it totally broke in half….on his toes. oops…..so needless to say…….the desk wouldn’t work and Kris headed off to Walmart to find SOMETHING our computer could sit on. SO……with our NO MONEY budget, he came back with something that works….not something either of us love, but it works. At least we have some drawers and shelves now. But ya’ll……this room looks SO MUCH BETTER. It was bad…like “we sell ugly houses” bad. =)
So today I’ve been trying to put our house back together, oh my goodness. It’s amazing what some girlies can tear up while the momma and daddy pay them NO attention. I’m really tired but so what? No time for that. =) I convinced myself I needed to blog so I could suck down a diet dr.pepper and speed things up today!
I’m actually writing to you to ask you to please lift up a dear new friend of mine. I won’t disclose anything about her, but she is just going through a very rough time and is awaiting some results today and I believe in the power of prayer and the fact that we can sustain each other in times like this through prayer. God knows all the details, so please take a moment and lift her up if you will?
Ok, well I guess I’d better go fold and put away the five loads of laundry on my bed at the moment……..yes, I’m not kidding either. I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow and I’ll try to post some pictures later.
Glad ya’ll had a busy weekend that had some good to show for all the busyness.
I am with you on the paneling. In our old house the whole house was paneling. I painted it and it brightened up the whole thing.
We did eventually take some of it down and put of dry wall.
You must learn the linking thing. It is not hard.
When you do your post there is that little tool that looks like a little chain link. You could have typed Mom’s house and highlighted it. Then click on the little link and drop the info you put in the post in that box. Make sure you don’t have two http://'s.
Once you know how to do that you can link back easy.
I will pray for your friend.
Have fun getting your house all put back together.
Nicki, I will pray for your friend. Your adventures sounded fun. Your mom’s house looks like a movie star home to me. So pretty. The tornadoes were in our neighborhood, but thank the Lord no one was hurt. There’s just lots of damage. By the way, our friend, Shelley, passed away last week. Her memorial service will be Thursday night. Please pray for her husband, Billy. Later, love ya, Trish
Oh Trish, I am so sorry to hear that about Shelly……it breaks my heart. I will be praying for her family. Bless you sweet sister.
Sounds like you all had a busy productive weekend!
Happy St.Patrick’s Day!
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