Better get on the right one……….
NO splenda for my coffee!!!!!
One sleepless night! (again)
One sassy tot who was up before it was her time!
One missing this and missing that!
Diet Pepsi just isn’t the same as my coffee!!!
One day they are going to invent something like what they have at the hospitals, a tube system, for little things we forget at the store. We’ll be able to swipe our debit cards online and order things at 6am like Splenda or Milk (the two things I always run out of first thing) And in a matter of 5 minutes we will have a tube pop back up with our missing items. THEN we won’t have mornings like this!
But until then……Diet Pepsi will have to do……..yuck.
I’ve been running around like a chicken with her head cut off the past few days and it’s not going to stop. I STILL haven’t gotten the girl’s head pieces for their flower girl debut. Oh dear. Today I’m getting my much needed roots covered and hair done something with!
Praise the Lord my sweet, SWEET friend let me borrow her super cute Ann Taylor dress:
And yes, I will totally look like this model while wearing it………or not. =)
But I’ve got to find some silver pearls, I think they would just make things POP, and look fancy. BTW, I’m talking about for my brother’s wedding on Saturday just in case you missed that part!=)
So hair, shoes and accessories oh and hair pieces, all in four hours (while girly’s are in pre-school)……….ok, yes. Hmmm. Nothing like putting things off until the last second Nicki!
Ok, well off to hit my knees in prayer and try to function without my coffee this morning. (deep sighs) Have a blessed day!!
ps-I know I haven’t done the frugal me Monday thing in a while. Sorry. But I wanted to share that last week I hit all new high of saving!! I saved $198!!! My total bill ended being at $92 after all my savings, I forgot what the total was w/o coupons and savings…….but I know I saved $198! You should have seen that clerk’s face…….she kept looking, and checking! And can I tell you HOW MUCH STUFF I BOUGHT for that amount of money???!!! Oh my word!! Go check it out and start saving! It’s crazy not to!
That dress is too cute! You can sooo do all that in 4 hours-your super mom!! You go girl…
$198!!!!!!!! I need to shop with you!! My record is just $92 so far! You’re my hero! 🙂
I’m so unimpressed that The Grocery Game isn’t for Canadians. I’d love to save that kind of money!!
Hey, you might enjoy Frugal Fridays over at Biblical Womanhood.
I tagged you back with something else. With all your free time this week I’m SURE you’ll get to it!!
I have been having raw sugar in my coffee. Trying to break the sweet n low habit. But I still like it in my tea. I ran out this afternoon and all I had was splenda–wish I could have sent it to you. 🙂
I love the dress–and you are right I always thinks silver and black are sharp together.
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