Well, I thought ya’ll would like to take a look and see what ALL THE WHINING has been about! The house is completely done so I figured I’d better share some pictures so you could see. And if you want to buy it, I’ll make you a good deal! =) hee hee!! It just went into the MLS today, So I’m hoping to get some lookers this weekend! It’s exciting! I can’t wait to see if this is what God wants us to do or not. I’m ok either way. And you’d better look fast because people are seriously beating down the door to buy this house!! (ok…maybe not) And ya’ll will have to forgive me because I am not the best photographer!
“Extreme Home Makeover Kris and Nicki style”
Kitchen Before
And After :
Taylor and Hopie’s Room Before:
Master Before:
Living Room/Dining Room Before:
Den/Playroom Before: (Taylor was crying it was so ugly!!)
Master Bath Before (OH MY WORD, this picture does not do it justice!! I was crying it was so ugly!! BTW, it’s not a good idea to get highlights done and then paint tile and sneeze…..you might hit your head on the wall and then have to get your hair cut to get it out….you just might.)
Ok, so that’s it! I’ve been twiddling my thumbs all day because there is just nothing else to be done!! What an amazing thought! I had a realtor ask me yesterday if we’d do it again (fix and sell) and I took a deep breath and said, “NO.” Not with three girly’s anyway. It’s been fun, it’s been a huge headache, and now it’s time to bid farewell…….hopefully! There have been MANY “Oh my word’s”(good and bad) said, Many cuts, Many trips to Home Depot, Many tiny fingers with paint on them and many, many, many rubbing our heads going, “What are we doin?”
So, if it sells, AWESOME, if not we’ll stay put a bit longer. I’ll be sure to keep you updated, just thought you’d like to see the finished product!! Never thought I’d be able to post this post!! =)
I love the hard wood floor and the breakfast nook! The house is beautiful. I will pray that it goes fast!
You guys did a great job. It looks beautiful! I will be praying for the Lord to show you His ways!
I really wish you lived in SC!!! I need help!!!!! I’m terrible at decorating. I do not have a creative bone in my body.
Email me the info on your house I have a realtor that wants it..she has someone looking. I am trying to help you out girl.
Love ya,
How awesome it looks! Very pretty. Praying!
It looks really really cute. You have done a great job!
You did a great job!
It is a really cute house…and cute is not a bad word.
After all that work I wouldn’t want to leave.
If it had some land….might have put in a bid.
But Keith would like to have some land and I would like to be able to look out my windows in the mountains.
We shall see….whatever God wants.
Girl, what an amazing job you guys did and with 3 little ones at home! IMPRESSIVE!!! Come on over anytime you’d like! 😉
I love it!! It looks great!!
Oh my, you two did a great job we have to do the same thing to a little house and sell it. I will use what you did as a reference very great job.
Hey Nicki, I just finished school and am catching up on everything. The house looks totally snazzy! I am very impressed. Good work, I hope the house sells quickly.
Aunt Karen
Hey Auntie! I’ve missed your comments around here! I’m glad your almost done with school! Hope you keep up with those awesome grades! =)
hey girlie,
sorry i’m just now commenting…this weekend was nuts! this just looks GORGEOUS!! you guys did such a great job! I’m praying for it to sell (if it’s His will, which I know you’re DEFINITELY praying that it is!) 🙂
love you,
All the makeovers are beautiful! Wanna come to my house 🙂 We just painted the boys room and Kennedy’s nursery this weekend. Feels weird to have a girly nursery in this house 🙂
Great Job! Do you like the hardwood better then carpet in the bedrooms. It looks nice. Just wondering? Mom needs Kris to put a fan up when he has time.
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