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I like to think that I’m patient, but when it really comes down to it……I’m not. Waiting is one of the hardest things I think anyone has to go through. And although this situation with selling our house seems only trivial, it’s truly been an eye-opening experience with Patience.

It seems that the days where I have my phone glued to me, e-mails up and checking out each person that takes a flyer out, those are the days NO ONE wants to see our house. But the days where I’ve been running around crazy and my house looks like a tornado, that’s always the case, someone wants to see it! Enter “real” buyer #2 yesterday. Sitting OUTSIDE of my house he calls and wants to see the house, RIGHT THEN. I explained that the Kennyboo was asleep (I didn’t really call her that) and that my husband needed to be home. So he says, “Ok, 45 minutes good for you?” I said, “No. like an 1 1/2!!”

So anyways, we show him the house later that afternoon and he seems a little interested but wanted to look around more. I was bummed……with a capital B.

By this point since we had just spent all this time cleaning and showing him the house, it was time to leave for Hope’s last t-ball game. I put my grumpy self into the car and Kennedy DEMANDS a movie on. Ugh….that child. So after battling her to say, “PLEASE”, we put in one of those ridiculously annoying bible story videos, you know the ones where they sing songs that stay in your head for DAYS and the characters who act overly nice, obedient and sweet????

So, we’re driving down the road and I said to Kris, “No one is EVER going to buy our house! I thought it was ugly when we bought it and we tried to make it pretty, but it’s still ugly!” When in reality that’s not what the man had just said to me that had just viewed it. The only thing he didn’t like was that there wasn’t a back door. I was like, “I know, Me too!!!” Probably not a good selling point on my part.

Patience was not surrounding me. I was getting in a frenzy thinking about this awesome house we want to build and the incredible deal that we got, and the neighbors we will have and BLAH BLAH BLAH. When all of the sudden SILENCE surrounded my car. And this is a R-A-R-E thing ya’ll. Someones ALWAYS saying or screaming about something in the car. And then I heard it…….one of those ridiculously annoying voices singing this song:

“Patience! It’s what God can bring! Patience is waiting on Him! Patience is knowing that God is never late! Patience it’s knowing that you can wait after all think of all the times God has waited on you! Patience…….(over and over)”

Kris and I both looked at each other and just busted out laughing! The Lord just cracks me up! And then as if that was not enough………the title of my God Calling book this morning says, “Fling it at my feet!”

God is not saying No yet, and He’s not saying Yes. He surely will not allow me to go through something and me not learn something through it!! So we will wait upon Him. We will continue to trust that He knows and has it all worked out. I just can’t see it yet!!! But obviously the Lord is telling me to lay it down and just to be patient! And that is all He requires from me today. How about you? What are you patiently waiting on Him for?

Have a blessed day!




  • jill teamed with shelbee. tattooed cab driver licks busty babe.

    My mom used to always say to me and I didn’t like to hear it, but
    “Tribulation bringth patience.” As hard as it is to chill maybe getting your mind on something else and really letting Him handle it could be helpful. If He wants it sold it will be sold. I finally got my little blogsite set up. I haven’t got much on it, but it’s a start. You are a sweet, loving mother and He will put you on your right path. Love ya, Trish

  • I know too well that God has a sense of humor!

    And I think we all have our moments when we throw our spiritual temper tantrums…When God? When? I want it nowwwwwwwwwww!

  • Hmm, that’s a tough one. I’m always learning patience with my daughter. Always!

  • Trish! I’m so proud of you for your blog!

    Pastor Lisa! You are SOOO right!! =) BUT GOD…..

    Hi Brenna! YES, momma’s are ALWAYS having to deal with patience!!

  • I have to get me a new copy of God Calling. A lady knocked on my door Saturday to share Jesus with me and I sensed she was discouraged. I asked if I could pray for her and she shared that she was. I opened to May 17th of God Calling and read it to her – look it up to see how perfect it was – and then I prayed with her – remember she knocked to share Jesus with me….and then God asked me to give my book to her….mmmm…I did. This time I will buy several copies and be prepared to give mine away. 🙂

  • Well look at you changing up your blog…I like it.

    If it all came easy and right away..would we have to have faith? Nope. Earlier this week we got an appraisal on one of our pieces of property that was incredible.
    I was ecstatic! I was like…Way to go God! It was enough for a down payment on something.And we had someone who really already wanted the property.
    Then today Keith called the guy to tell him what the appraisal said….he offered us not even half of what it is worth. Can you say majorly bummed? But I know God is still in charge. Maybe we are not to sell it now…maybe the guy will come back with a better offer. My mind could go on and on…but what I do know…my God has a plan and one day soon he is going to let us in on it. AND IT WILL BE GOOD!
    Patience and Faith

  • Oh my….yeah…..patience. I’m learning. It’s taking me a while. But I’m learning. I’m learning patience when it comes to God’s answer on my husband’s job situation! I have unanswered questions on whether I need to try to start a business here to supplement his income or rely totally on God with just his job that he has right now. Did that make sense?

    By the way, I love the new look, and every story you share whether it’s about the girls, your day to day experiences, what God has talked to you about…..everything! So just keep up the good writing!

  • I’m learning patience as I wait for my adoption to come through. It’s been over 2 years.

    Bring them home, Lord!

  • Hey girl. Praying for patience is a scary thing!! 😉 Because once we start to pray for it, He then is kind enough to answer us with opportunities to exercise it!! Happens every time. So don’t pray for patience, but pray for discernment for His will and then for wisdom to know what to do with it! That patience thing will get ya!! haha
    Great post. Love ya.

  • Sharon, I will pray for you about your land! I know God’s going to work it out in a BIG way!!

    Leanne, I know all to well how hard job situations can be!! Our finances NEVER make sense on paper for me to stay at home, but some how the Lord always works things out!

    Dotblogger….I don’t know your name! =) But I like dotblogger. I imagine the wait is painful! I hope the Lord brings them home soon to you and others who are waiting!

    Val, yes….I know. NEVER pray for it!! I did and now look. =) AHHH. But, I’ve been praying for it with Kennedy NOT WITH THIS!! =)

    Thanks ya’ll for your comments! I love reading what the Lord is doing in your lives as well!

  • That is a cool story about the car ride. Right now I am asking God for patience to sit back, relax and wait for the baby to arrive!! In the meantime, my back hurts, my feet and face are swollen and I am grumpy. Your post cheered me up!!!


  • Sarah, bless your heart girl!!! I know how you feel! It’s so bad being pregnant when it starts getting warm, I too swelled up! If you can get into a pool it REALLY helps!!

  • I know God has the perfect buyer in mind for you! I will pray for that patience but you know that sometimes when you pray for patience it gets tested!

  • Sweet Nicki… “Patience is a virtue.” I’m still learning to be patient!!!
    When we were building the house we are in, it seemed that our other house would never sell… then this couple came by while we were in the middle of painting… we told them “We are painting the bedrooms.” Really right in the middle of painting!!! “That’s alright, we still want to see the house.” There we were with paint all over us, they didn’t care… they bought the house!!!

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