Busy, Busy


Busy, Busy

These past few weeks have just flown by! I cannot believe summer is on the way out and school season is on the way in. We start school very early down here in the south. I know my sister in law is a teacher in NY and they don’t go back until September! But, needless to say, we are in that “getting ready mode”.

With my second one getting ready to start Kindergarten, this is a big year around our house. She is so ready and I’m thrilled with her teacher for this year and all the kids that will be in her class. She is going to have an awesome year! Hopie is so ready, and bless her heart, she is SOOOO excited about….what to WEAR to school! She’s starting young!

Today we are off to the doctors for check up’s and shots! FUN DAYS!!!

I have something really exciting to share with you all later this week. I cannot “spill” the beans yet! But it’s really neat! And no…….I’m not pregnant.

Have a great day!




  • Up here in Canada, we only start school after the Labour Day weekend, so we’ve still got a good six weeks left, but I still can’t believe we’re rapidly nearing the end of July already!! Shoot, in another couple of weeks, we’ll start worrying about FROST overnight!!!!

    Have fun gettin’ ready for school!

  • Nicki, I just listened to your podcast…it was wonderful, you did a great job! This sounds like an excellent Bible Study. I look forward to hearing/reading more about it!


  • Isn’t it neat when the kids get ready to go back to school? I always loved it. My daughter and I would go to different back to school fashion shows and we always enjoyed them. Avery will be in third grade this year and she is growing so fast. I can’t wait to hear your news. Don’t forget to tell us!

  • Getting ready for school to start is such a fun time as a kid! I remember shopping for new school supplies and hardly being able to wait to be able to write in those pretty, new notebooks! (I still get excited about that!) I also remember the new back-to-school clothes that you got to buy — and how my mother would never let me wear any of them until school started! (I think I even did that to my kids a couple of times!)

    These are fun times for you and your girls! Enjoy!

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