The Foolish Way?


The Foolish Way?

“A Fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.”
-Proverbs 29:11

I read this verse after a conversation I had that made me angry.

Ever have one of those?

You know the kind where the other person talks 90% of the time and you just keep boiling up inside? Where you cannot get off the phone quick enough? Mmmmhmm…it was one of those.

As I hung up the phone…I sat there for a moment and then my girls were suddenly acting like FOOLS everywhere. I mean screaming, yelling, jumping up and down, hitting, screaming and jumping some more…and very quickly that little thing called “anger” starting boiling over!

And so I turned to my God. I said, “Please, speak to me. Because, I’M GOING OFF THE DEEP END IN EXACTLY 1.5 SECONDS.”

I opened my bible to this exact verse. I wish I was joking. God was so in my face about it!

You see, it’s ok for us to get angry. It’s ok for us to be upset. It’s ok for us to not ever want to speak to someone again. It’s probably even ok to scream in our pillows?

But in that anger, are we in control? Or our emotions in control?

Are we heading the wise way? Or are we heading the foolish way?

I know I always “want” to be heading the wise way, but I’d say that I do at times run the foolish way. It’s sadly, just easier many times.

As I approach my ripe old age of 28 (haha) in just a few days, I’m learning much…

I’m learning to keep my mouth shut.

I’m learning to be still.

I’m learning to take it ALL with a grain of salt. And I mean IT ALL.

I’m learning there are always two sides.

I’m learning to run to Him instead of the phone.

I’m learning that somethings, they just aren’t worth it.

I’m learning to give smiles more than sighs.

I’m learning to turn to God’s word, instead of mine.

I’m learning that I’m wrong, many times. And, it’s ok.

I’m learning the word “vent” isn’t so great.

I’m learning to accept things when they don’t turn out the way I planned.

I’m learning disappointment, it’s just apart of life, and it will always be.

I’m learning that the best things, are not planned things.


I’ve learned more than anything……God’s ways are never, ever foolish.

So His way, is the way I want to go for the next 28 years.

And just like this picture…MY plan…’s out the window!




  • I absolutely LOVE the picture of your girls out there on the sand! You can almost feel the wind and hear the waves! And I just can’t IMAGINE these angels hitting and screaming! Just kidding! I had three kids and even though they have been grown up for a while now I can still vividly remember those hitting and screaming days!

    I, too, want to be able to remember to give my “foolishness” to the Lord and let Him show me a better way to react to aggravations.

    This was a good post! Thanks!

    Marilyn in Mississippi

  • This is really good! I’ve found myself lately not being so wise. But with God’s help, I’ll be the person He wants me to be.

    I love the picture!

  • Wise words Nicki. And I learned the hard way that you don’t have to say everything that pops into your head. You’ll save yourself from so much nutiness by adhering to that little truth.

    I could have had a lot more pleasant weekends with my spouse when we were first married had I known that then. LOL!

  • I wear my t-shirt often that says “Fool” I wish I could burn the shirt!!

    Hey I am celebrating on my blog today and you have been invited!

  • Hi Nicki…Remember this is the picture when the girls were “done with” taking pictures” Love it! I can remember the days of past and smile fondly about what God has done…Look at you and those beautiful girls.

    I know that God knows what he is doing and is in control. Thank goodness we serve a mighty God! Love Mom

  • I wish I had had your measure of wisdom at the “ripe old age of 28”! You have reminded me that I still have SO much to learn. Thank you for challenging me.

  • Nicki,
    I ended up visiting your blog via another blog… I tell you God is soooo good. I needed this verse tonight as I had just that type of phone conversation today! I needed to be still and know He is my God and let Him handle the issue.
    Your girls are just darling!

  • I could have used this the other day with Keith. He does not move at the same pace as me and sometimes it drives me to the end…..and then I like to push him over. 😉
    So yes, I need to learn to keep it shut until God has time to vent what does not glorify Him. (and that is “vent” as in the exhaust over the oven that gets rid of what can cloud the air.)

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