I'm touching His robe…


I'm touching His robe…

On Sunday, our preacher, Dr.Rummage brought the word of God like you would not believe! It was so powerful. My eyes were glued to him the entire time and it was like God was looking right at me through his eyes.

God was speaking to me. For a reason.

The passage he preached on was Mark 5:1-43.

Jesus was passing through a crowd and people were all over him! But there was one woman who was very sick. She had heard of Jesus and was without hope. And she just knew that if she touched his robe, she would be healed.

As he passed her, she touched Him and was immediately healed! And Jesus realized that power had gone out of Him. He asked the crowd, “Who did this?”

I imagine his disciples were like, “You’ve got to be kidding me. There are like hundreds of people standing around you!”

But Jesus, kept looking and looking. The woman finally and fearfully fell at His feet in awe and amazement! Their eyes locked and she began frantically telling her story to Him.

He then said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” (v.34)

There was so much I loved about this passage of scripture. So much, I could write days about it all. But it’s this woman’s faith, that touched me more than anything.

Believing and Knowing are two very different things.

I know all that Jesus did through scripture. I know all that Jesus has done in my life. I know the miracles from friends, church members and other stories I have heard over time. I know all about the power of Jesus.

But will I always believe?

Will I always trust?

Will I always have faith, like this woman, that knowing if I can just “touch Him”…it will all be made right?

This tangible thought, “touching His robe”, is something you and I can put into practice each day. Today.

Instead of getting into a panic prayer, as I so often do, I want to say, “Lord, I’m just touching your robe.”

Jesus sees it, He feels it, He realizes every single time, we reach our hands out to Him.

Yesterday a normal “check up” turned into something a little more for my Hopie. It’s something similar that we went through with our oldest Taylor but, we are just at a point where they are unsure how serious it is, since she is quite a bit older than Taylor was when she went through this (which isn’t typical, it normally shows up before they are 2).

It would be easy to get into a “panic” or worry over this. Just remembering all we went through with Taylor makes me cringe. I never thought I would have another child go through this especially since I thought they were all past the “danger age” of it occurring. Next Tuesday should bring more answers and direction for treatment. But it was easier trying to assure a baby, than it is a 5 year old, who understands many words.

But, I am truly at peace. I think it was no mistake that I heard this sermon the day before I would find out this news. I’m totally reaching out my hand towards the Lord…reaching for His robe for my girly.

My God, My Jesus is a God of miracles and I believe in His transforming power. And I know that he holds those test results in His hands way before I ever will.

So I will trust.

I will believe and I will know, that my God is always in control.

What are you holding onto His robe about today?




  • Nicki, it is such an overwhelming feeling to deal with medical issues and kids. I too tend to get in a panic with Brooke and what they tell me about her muscles but I love that you shared the story and find peace with you in touching his robe. Praying all is in not more than you can handle and that God’s hand is all over the test and results.

  • Nicki,
    Thank you for sharing this today. It brings me back to the place I need to be. No matter what happens with our finances(which is what makes me need to touch His robe today) I only need to have that same “hem of His garment” faith.

    Praying for you and your little one today. Such fear does try to come in when it is our little ones but I know you will have that kind of faith for her today! I believe God has it all in His control!

  • I remember the trouble with Taylor and I’ll be praying for Hope too.

  • Who knew that being a wife and a mother had more to do with us conforming to the image of Christ than to Betty Crocker or June Cleaver? Some days, touching His robe is enough. Some days, I need to have Him fully wrap Himself around me, but, all the time, He is enough and in our weakness, His strength is made perfect.

    Sweet blessings today,

  • Oh Girl! You spoke a WORD to me. I am going to go read and re-read that passage again and again and again. I am going to hold on to His robe in pure faith that I will get through this trying phase I am in with my newborn. You also inspired me to get back to my blog and write more devo stuff. Thanks a ton!


  • This is a wonderful word. I was blessed to teach it to a couple of different women's groups and it blessed me no end. I never tire of contemplating it & I am THRILLED when I have others that share this hope with me! Thanks for the reminder of a great truth!

    I am in agreement with you for your child's health! And YES, The Lord went before you to prepare you so your faith would be ready for the test results! If you want some more nuggests from this story to encourage your faith, e-mail me.

    God bless!

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