


There was some “technical” issues with the recording from last nights bible study…one being the operator. So..whenever I have some free time..ha ha, I will have to record it again! Ahhh.

So I apologize to those who were waiting to hear the podcast today. Sorry!




  • Girllllllllllllll, are you the one teaching the “Beautiful” bible study???? I’ve had several friends tell me I should go…you know to “try out” one of the bible studies and all…at this “new” church! How fun!!!! It’s looking like we’re movin’ on over to HGBC…we met with our home church pastor today and let them know of our departure…kind of sad, but I knew it was “right”. Love ya!

  • Did I understand that you are getting requests now to come and speak?
    I forgot to ask that comment on the last post.
    Pretty cool.

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