Extreme Makeover Recap


Extreme Makeover Recap

Happy Tuesday to you!

Sorry I didn’t get this post up yesterday. Things have been crazy around here, but what else is new? =)

Yesterday, was the “Big Reveal” for the Charlotte Extreme Home makeover house. This has been a project Kris has been working with all week so we were SUPER excited to go and check out the finished project!

While the girly’s and I were in Asheville for the weekend, Kris was back home working his tooshie off. And I mean, “WORKING HIS TOOSHIE OFF!!!” One shift was from 10pm-7AM and the next was from 5pm-9AM…..whew!

Yesterday, it was HOT. And I mean H-O-T out there!! We had to take a bus to the house site and there were barricades lined up all the way down the street. Since we got there fairly early, about an hour and 30 minutes before the “scheduled” reveal, we had a really good spot.

It was really neat to watch all the finishing touches go on the house, and they were really bringing furniture in at the last moments. There were a ton of people running around! Cleaning crews and camera crews were everywhere!

Ty was just a FEW FEET away from us!! Oh my word!

BUT, here’s the really bad news……..the reveal was supposed to be at 1:00, so we got there around 11:30…. well at around 1:30, the producers started announcing that it would still be a few hours until the big moment. So, having three girly’s in tow with us, we decided we couldn’t wait around that long. Kennedy’s face was really red and we were running out of water!

So……we had to leave. But a lot of people did too. It was just so hot! Some had been there since 7:30 that morning! People were passing out left and right! It was crazy!

However, the Kennyboo was seen on TV last night on the news! I have tried to find the clip to post it on here, but I can’t find it. If I do, I’ll be sure to post it. I didn’t see the clip, the girl’s and Kris did. So hopefully I can find it. SO funny, that the only one who didn’t want to be on TV was actually the one from our family on there!!! Taylor and Hope had signs made and everything! I guess they will have to wait for their “fifteen minutes”!

Here are some pictures of the process. Sorry for the blurry ones, they were from Kris’s camera phone on the “inside”.

This is the house, you can see how close we were to the spot! All the volunteers are rushing around cleaning and getting things finished up.

Here is the “practice” limo scene. They actually did it around four times without the family in the limo! You can see Ty!! We did get to “practice” yelling “Move that bus!” You should’ve seen my girls……they were SOOOO into it!! =)

Ok, here is an “inside” shot of the daycare room.

This was the guys putting up the second story of the house. Kris and the other electricians were working all the while the building was going on!! Crazy!!

This is the living room……again sorry for the quality. As you can see LOT’S of can lights in this house! Those guys were busy!!

This was a really neat experience to be apart of for Kris. I’m so proud of him and how hard he worked for this family. A lot of the guys there who were electricians were from big companies who were being paid to be there and he was not. The excitement in his eyes each time he talks about it is just priceless…….oh my….makes me get all misty eyed!!

I’m so glad we got to go and be apart of part of the day. We watched the rest on the news that night and what an exciting time this is for that family!! I’m sorry I didn’t take more pictures…..I guess I was just “caught up” in the moment!

The show is set to air in October, and you totally know I’ll be informing you when it’s on!! Have a great day!




  • Hey Nicki,

    It was just way too hot for us to be there…we had been at Carowinds all morning! Anyway, I’m sure this was such an amazing adventure for Kris. Dwayne, just got to experience just a tid bit of the whole ordeal. Part of the Extreme Makeover crew came to the ReStore where Dwayne works and did a segment on the store! The crew also brought all the windows and stuff like that from the King’s old house so now they are available to buy at the ReStore! So cool! I can’t wait to see the show in October!

  • This is too neat. We love this show!!!
    Thanks for posting and letting us see all the pictures. I am sure it will be something that your hubby will never forget!!!

  • What an awesome experience! Sounds like your hubby has a great heart…that is a lot of hard work and a crazy schedule, and to do it just because…what a kind guy!

  • Sounds like tons of fun! Sorry it was soooo hot. I am so ready for fall and the cooler (NOT COLD) weather.

  • Tell your husband he can put his feet up for a few minutes!! How awesome for him to be a part of something so life changing for many people.

  • I worked from 8:30 thursday night until 6:30 friday morning and 4:00 pm saturday until 12:30 pm sunday.

    i love you

  • Too COOL!
    I was thinking of you tonight as we went to Asheville on a double date. I told my brother about you and your FAMOUS hubby. 😉
    I am glad that your man got to participate…can’t wait to see the program!

  • That is SO neat!! I’m so glad that Kris was able to participate in this awesome experience. Can’t wait to see the episode when it’s aired!

    P.S. I have your towel ready, I just need to get it to you!

  • Wow… how wonderful to be apart of something so absolutely Wonderful!!! I know the Lord will bless you for being apart of this… and I know the heat was awful!!!

  • This is so much fun to be in the middle of this tv event with all of you. I am so proud of your husband. Your children will never forget this. When they get around friends and talk about “What did you do this summer?” They have quite a story don’t they?

    God bless you all as you cool down. Has it ever been this hot in the Carolinas before?

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