Good news!


Good news!

Hope is on her way home in just a little bit! God is sooooo good. They are running a few tests this morning just to make sure all is well and when they come back we should be good to go. It’s been a long few days and her doctor and I both agree that she will be much more comfortable at home and more at ease than she is here. It’s going to be a long healing process but hopefully things will go smoothly with the meds they have her on and the comforts of home.

Thank you all for praying! I can’t thank you enough for all of your love and support for this girly! She’s been an amazing girl so strong and so brave. She has felt your prayers and is in much better spirits today!

I’ll keep you updated but I think we are heading on the way up now! Take care!




  • I’m so happy she is getting to come home. Please let her know that so many people around the country have been praying for her and we care about her. She’s a beautiful little girl and I know you know, but God is always in control. Even when it gets scary, He is there for us.

  • I was popping over to your blog tonight to see how your daughter was doing. So glad for the good report!

    Praising Him ~ Rachel

  • Bless you and your family. God is with you all. Last night at our small group we discussed how God is with us and how we need to be honest, real and continually communing with our Father.

    Over and over different ones admitted how none of us truly understands what happens in prayer. Knowing that the mystery in how God works is a part of the need for faith that blesses me. I wasted so many years trying to figure God out; now things are dire enough I just fall in His arms in my spirit and draw on Him for my very life.

    When your little one is hurting you have to know His “arms” are waiting for you to renew you and just love you. He will meet her every need; and also yours.

    Wishing I could offer a hug in person. I love you so.

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