Hope Update


Hope Update

My oh my what a long few days this has been. I figured most people that are praying for Hope read this blog so this was the easiest way for me to update.

Not everything has gone according to our plans. I am home right now, just for a few minutes with Taylor and Hope. The hospital doesn’t have a computer that is easily accessed so I haven’t been able to update everyone very often. I’m sorry.

Hope’s surgery went great. She started her recovery like a breeze! She was comfortable and life seemed to be going along smoothly. Her nurses were incredible and totally a God-send.

She started having some problems with severe spasms and frequent urination yesterday around 3:00, it was a very stressful time and after we tried pretty much everything her doctor told the nurses to put her catheter back in. This of course was very painful since they had just taken it out that morning and as you can imagine, it was just a messy time for everyone.

Her spasms immediately started to improve once the catheter was in. So, this morning they took it back out at 5am, after it was really bothering her and she seemed to be doing ok for a while. In fact, the doctor even told me if I felt comfortable we could take her home that afternoon, of course that’s what we all wanted!!

So we started to get ready to come home and suddenly she started experiencing the same types of issues as yesterday. Her bladder just isn’t letting her hold anything right now. She in having to pee almost ever 5-10 minutes and it’s extremely painful. Her doctor said he doesn’t see this very often but it’s still something that is definitely from the surgery. His recommendation was to leave her IV in for another day and keep her comfortable with meds and try this all over again tomorrow.

Her spirits have been very down, she is very “over” this hospital thing. And as you can imagine is quite frustrated with these spasms and having to empty her bladder every 5-10 minutes. But, we are trying everything we can do to keep her comfortable and happy.

I’m exhausted of course, not just physically but emotionally. It’s been a very painful few days for a momma. Tonight is my last bible study and I wanted to be there since Shari Brandel is making a special trip just for me and these ladies tonight. She is going to pump them up on beauty!!! I’m so grateful to her for being so willing to reach out to these precious ladies.

After bible study I will head back up to the hospital, at Hope’s request, to be with her the remainder of the night. I’m hoping, selfishly, that these spasms are going to calm down tonight, I can’t imagine what our night is going to be like if this is how the day has been.

Thank you for your prayers, love and support and all the wonderful gifts that have been sent to the hospital. The girl could start her own build a bear shop with all these new stuffed animals!! I’m not kidding!

I’m praying for a better day tomorrow and coming home. I’m ready and I know she is. But we’ve got to get these issues under control. Keep praying we can feel the prayers and love. There has been a peace and a sustaining strength like never before!!

I’ll try my best to get to a computer to update again tomorrow!




  • Nicki, I have been and will continue praying for little Hope. I am so sorry for the pain that she is having to go through and I pray that the Lord would bring healing quickly and that you would all be well and home soon!

    I pray that tonight goes well also!
    Love and hugs, Faith

  • Continuing to pray for Hope. I’m so sorry that she is having so much pain and complications!

    Hope she will be well soon! Praying for strength for you as you stay near her side through this!

    Marilyn in MS

  • I am so sorry that Hope is having such a difficult time. I am praying for a good night of rest for both of you.

    Praying that God will bring healing quickly and that Hope will soon be back home and feeling as good as new.

    Love and prayers for you and your family!

  • I am so sorry that Hope is having such a difficult time. I am praying for a good night of rest for both of you.

    Praying that God will bring healing quickly and that Hope will soon be back home and feeling as good as new.

    Love and prayers for you and your family!

  • Hi Nicki, I just found your blog through Amy Brooke. I’ve read through several of your posts. Praying for precious little Hope and for you and all the family. May you know God’s peace and presence.
    Trusting Him,

  • I have been wondering what is going on. SO glad that you got a chance to get on and update us.
    I know you are tired…praying that all things return to normal and you can get a good nights sleep soon.
    How exciting about your Bible study…I know it will go great.
    I will keep praying.
    Love ya girl

  • I’ll continue to pray. I know you guys are tired…hang in there! I pray for healing, strength, energy and a trip home soon. hugs.

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