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This last spring I was asked to take over the “crafts” at our Mom’s group, GEMS, at our church. At first I was like………”Um……not really crafty ya’ll!” =)

But, I prayed about it and God showed me that this was going to be a much needed LEARNING experience on organization, planning and getting creative!! =)

So, I took on this big task!

All summer I have been planning, googling and getting ideas from all over!

Well, two weeks ago we had our first meeting and it went great! I think the ladies really enjoyed the whole meeting!

Since you all who read this are from all over the world, I’d love to invite you to our GEMS group, but I’m quite sure you probably wouldn’t be able to make it! BUT, I’d like to give you the chance each month to win what we’ve made!

However if you are in the Charlotte area and would like to come, e-mail me for more info!

This month we made a RUB A DUB DUB Plaque! It will be perfect for any bathroom and is super cute! This idea was actually thought up in the midst of Hobby Lobby with the Kennyboo tearing up that store! It was a quick, easy and cute idea! I’m ALL about easy!!

To do this project yourself you will need:

1 piece of craft board or plywood cut to the right size. This is what we did since we had 60 women to do this for!


A Stencil, stencil brush and stencil paint

Semi gloss paint to paint the solid color of the plaque

Any embellishment’s of your choice! We used crystals in the bubbles!


Paint the wood with the semi gloss paint and allow to dry a couple of hours. It may take two or three coats. Then take the stencil of your choice and lay it on the plaque and stencil it it. Allow it to dry too or it could very easily rub off (learned that the hard way!). Then embellish away! Use sparkles, feathers, glitter, paint pens or whatever you want to make your plaque look oh so cute! Finally add the ribbon as your “hook”. The tying the ribbon part was the hardest for some ladies but it’s just like learning to tie a shoe, it takes some practice! =) Then you all done!

Here is what it will look like:

And here is mine in our little bitty bathroom:

So enter your name away! I will wait until Friday to announce the winner. You can enter as many times as you’d like! I’ll be doing the Random generator so you will see it’s not my pick!! =)

ps– You do NOT have to have a blog to win!! Just make sure you leave your e-mail in the comments. You can do an anonymous comment, it’s very easy! Just click on the little thing that says comments and start!




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