Attention Please!!


Attention Please!!

Oh y’all, I have totally forgotten to post this! Tonight, Sunday, is the showing of Extreme Home Makeover that my husband Kris was able to help out on! I know there are only like three people who read this blog on Sundays but maybe you’ll see this post on your blog lines or something. =)

And ps: This is what he looks like, isn’t he mighty fine looking? =)




  • WOW!!! We’ll be watching!!!! What a wonderful opportunity for your husband.
    Did he meet Ty and the gang?


  • I was just wathcing and came in to check to see if I was right and I was! I will look for him

  • I definitely watched it! The people who needed the house brought tears to my eyes. They seemed so sweet and sincere! And what they said at the end about how we are here to serve…..

    Then I checked out your blog to see if you wrote about it!

    Great job!!

  • Oh no! I am too late as well. Hopefully I can catch a re run! You are married to a star!!!!!! You already knew that! Very exciting!

  • Darn I missed it, but they will show it again. I’m looking on the web to see if it shows anywhere online. He is as handsome as you are beautiful. What a gorgeous family you folks are.

    How are you feeling? I do pray for you often and I know the end is great.

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