Prayers and A Happy Birthday


Prayers and A Happy Birthday

You know this sweet little girl who you all have been praying for?

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is a big day for Ms.Hope. It’s her 10 week check for her kidney.

Momma is a nervous and I mean NERVOUS wreck. My stomach has been in knots thinking about all the “could’s” and just knowing what’s ahead for my little girl today makes me a little sad.

The test they do is called a VCUG and it’s pretty uncomfortable for her little self.

After that test she will have the ultrasound done which will be a big indicator as to how everything is going. They will also follow up with blood work and urine samples.

I personally have been praying for TOTAL and I mean TOTAL healing. I want that dr. to fall out of his seat in awe of the healing touch on her life!

But I’m also realistic, I know what the tests could say.

That being said, my heart just cries out for everyone reading this today to pray over her.

I will be sure to update later on and let everyone know the results. Pray for Hope (“Hope” literally!)

Our God is a Big God!

On a Happy Happy Note….Guess who’s about to leave their 20’s???

Oh yes He is an old man now! 29! Hee hee!!

Dear Kris,

I know my mind is going to be scattered today (but when is it not) but please know that I love you so much. You are such an amazing husband, daddy and a great person. And just to show everyone what an amazing daddy you are…….he wants to go to Chuck E Cheese tomorrow night! THAT is a man! Putting his girly’s first!

I love you babe and I hope you have a fabulous day tomorrow and I know we are just going to have a blast with Chuckie tomorrow night…….ha ha. =)

Happy Birthday!




  • Praying for Hope….don’t forget: “Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee” – rest easy tonight!

  • Praying for little Miss Hope, and for her Mommy. May you know God's peace that passes understanding. He is able!

    Love & continued prayers,

  • Bless you and little Hope. I don’t how but God has already gone ahead of you and He will moment by moment give you everything you need for that moment. Little Hope is so beautifully cared for and loved and protected by Heavenly Fahter … it’s amazaing.

    I know about the “wrestling” before time on things like this…it’s probably the human condition, but God doesn’t dispense His grace until the exact moment of need. I think I used to look to a “security deposit bandk” that would show me faith I would need in the future.

    We all are praying and He is listening to all of us. Know you are deeply loved and so are your children.

  • Praying for little Hope today (and for you).
    Kris MUST be a good guy. I don’t think I’d ever CHOOSE to go to Chuck E. Cheese, esp on my birthday!! Hope you all have fun!

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