Another winning title….More stuff.


Another winning title….More stuff.

First, I am having major blogging guilt.

I’m so sorry that I don’t seem to have much time to visit blogs anymore or even pay much attention to mine. My time and focus is really being spent on this book proposal. And I know I keep saying it, and I’m sorry. But forgive me, please? I just want to make sure I’m giving it my best.

Truly I hope after we get moved, settled, the girls in school I can get back into a regular blogging schedule because this blog has been very important to me for many reasons and I don’t want to start slacking off. And many of the relationships that I have with you, the bloggy friends, are very special to me…and I don’t want you to think I’m just not interested anymore!

I’ve also joined up with a new ministry through Proverbs 31 called She Seeks. I’m really excited to be working with a team headed up by Lisa Whittle, from Behind Those Eyes. I’m linking a post to her site that will give you all the fun and exciting details about this ministry. CLICK HERE. She is still looking for contributors so if you are interested either contact her or I and we can get you the newest guidelines for the submissions as well.

This ministry is very dynamic, different and a very neat style. I love Lisa’s heart and I know she is very passionate about the age bracket that this ministry will be geared towards. So jump on if God leads your heart. We need lot’s of people!

So we are down to the count-down for She Speaks. Don’t ask me what the count-down is at this moment, because quite frankly I don’t know what the day is today! But, I know we are getting close. 🙂

I’m excited. I’m nervous. I’m trying to figure out what to wear…{important stuff} and I’m also just ready. Ready to stand before someone I don’t know and share with them the book message that I have. Seems frightening, but yet I do have a great peace about it.

I know God has a plan…one greater than this little mind can even comprehend at times.

And with that in mind, I have to trust. Not only for this conference but also the other huge events that are happening in my life. I am still very nervous about this move and what it’s really going to be like. I know the girls will be fine, but you know…sometimes the unknown is worse.

I do know that the Lord is calling me to start a prayer group with some other mom’s that have kids in public school or don’t have kids in public school or home school….I don’t know who God will bring, but I know I’m not alone on this journey. Raising kids is tough…no matter what. And I know that there is power in prayer. Much power.

So if your interested and in the Charlotte area, let me know.

Also, please, please, please continue to pray for my sweet little nephew Asher. He is having surgery on his head in just a couple weeks and it’s a very scary process. We know that God holds little man in His hands and He will take care and heal Asher of all the problems he is facing on this journey.

Ok…so I think that’s it. For tonight. 🙂 OH WAIT…if you are going to She Speaks and would like to meet up with my sweet, totally awesome, cancer-winning-the-battle friend Cindy from Army Brats and Me, let me know we are trying to put something together!




  • I would love to go to SheSpeaks. I just need to see if I can whip it all together. So much has been going on this summer. I believe I would love it. I would love to meet you also. luv ya, Trish

  • Don't apologize my friend, I haven't been around to visit many blogs lately either. Some seasons are like that. 🙂

    So excited that you are attending She Speaks and getting involved with She Seeks! WOW – and a book proposal?? You have been busy!!!

    I will not be back at the conference this year, but I'll be praying for all of you next weekend. Have a marvelous time. Can't wait to read about all the ways God will meet with you as you step out in obedience.


  • Hey friend! Praying for you, your thoughts as you put into order what God has laid on your heart, your hands as you transfer from mind to paper God's message, your home as you settle in, your family as you minister to them, your ministries as you serve our Father and those around you, and your time with Him as you seek His face.

    Much love to you!

    And Asher!!

  • Very cool about She Seeks! I heard Lisa talking about it on the radio a few months ago (106.9, i think). How exciting!!

  • Nicki!
    Have you heard of Mom's In Touch? I don't know much about it but it is a national ministry that helps moms get together prayer groups. Just thought I would mention it.

  • It is so exciting to see all the God is up to in your life – glad you have time to share it with us! So wish I was coming to Charlotte again this year – last year is where I first learned about this whole "blogging thing" and I've made so many new friends that I would love to meet at She Speaks! I made some lifetime friends there last year! Will be praying for everyone the whole weekend!!

    Always blessed by your blog!!

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