Fall Fun/Updates


Fall Fun/Updates

Ok so check out this boo all decked out in her Halloween gear:

It’s a shame she’s got so much cuteness mixed in all that sassyness. 🙂
And do you know what these little yummy balls of gooieness bring?

YUMMY!! We love Carmel Apples! 🙂 One of my favorite things about fall for sure.

So, although this would make just a really fun fall post, I wanted to update you on somethings.

First, my mom had her first round of chemo yesterday. I was really bummed I couldn’t go up there to be with her then but the girl’s had lot’s going on with school and we had parent/teacher conferences today. But they are out of school tomorrow too so we are heading up there to try and get somethings done for her and just be there.

Please continue to pray for her through this journey I know she appreciates it.

Also, I had the nerve-wracking but amazing opportunity to talk with an agent that I was referred to from the She Speaks conference. She was awesome. But, I’ve got a lot of work to do in which I will do everything she has suggested because she’s got a lot of knowledge. She seems so helpful but very straight to the point…which is good. So I’ve been busy, busy trying to re-work the proposal to a way that fits a better style.

On another note, I’ve also been talking with a lady locally about doing a teen retreat for some girls in the area. I never thought the Lord would lead me to this avenue but I am walking through this door with Him leading every step of the way. I’m excited though, it’s all very new and so interesting but I’ve been calling out to some other’s for some help.

Since we are dawning on the pre-teen years but not quite there yet, I’ve been asking for some mom’s of teen girls to fill out a survey for me if they are willing and interested. I’ve gotten a huge response so far but would love more so if you are willing and able and have a teen girl please leave me a comment with your e-mail and I will get the survey to you. I would appreciate it it sooo much!

Bible study is going really good! We’ve had a great crowd each week and the Lord has been moving in hearts big time. I’ve loved listening to these awesome women share their journey with me and enjoy our time together sooo much. I care deeply for them and I hope they are having as much fun as I am! 🙂

We are still looking and praying for our feet to land in a church home. I think the Lord is leading us closer but we are being very patient and listening very closely. I have become a professional church visitor in the process and probably could write a book just about that. {wink} But I have seen that so much of this isn’t about me right now….it’s more about my kids and my husband. I have found that I could really go anywhere, I mean that, I could.

Ok so this is the longest post ever, and I’m sorry. I just don’t want you to think I’m neglecting this blog….which I am but…..well you know. 🙂

I’ll try to do better. Come back for pics from trick or treats and the sorts. 😉

But I’d love to know what your favorite fall activity is? And don’t forget if your a teen mom and can help a sista out I’d appreciate it.

Much love,




  • Kennedy looks so cute! Thanks for the kind thoughts as I do appreciate the prayers regarding this chemo. Nicki I think you would do great working with teens! Look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Love mom

  • Oh boy…how many times I've groaned the same groan as you…cuteness mixed with sass is a double whammy against us (and them!).

    I'd also be interested in completing a survey for you.

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