Confessions of a slacker momma


Confessions of a slacker momma

Truth be told….the camera phone is getting a lot more hits these days than oh say the ACTUAL camera.

Sorry. 😉

I’m a slacker.

So check this super girl out! Whoo hooo! Mommy let her get all wild this year with red hair dye and all. {Oh sweet Jesus only let her want to do such things on ungoldy holidays of the sorts}

And you saw the boo in the previous post… this one is old news….but is she ever old news? I mean….really.

And check out that cool girl who’s a twister game! And again, the slacker momma who didn’t take a picture of just…..her. She sure does have red and green hair!

And look who else decided to join in all the fun? Yup…..didn’t you KNOW I was married to a surgeon?? Oh yes….I must’ve left that tiny detail out. {wink} Ahem…..surgeons…electricians…all the same. Messing with dangerous stuff.

Lest you think I didn’t join in all the fun….you are very wrong. There is just no proof. 😉 I was a construction worker…hard hat and all. Which happen to come in very handy when the rain came pouring down.

We had a great time trick or treating in our new neighborhood and had a chance to meet lot’s of new friends.

It was a lot of fun….even if the boo turned out to be a trick or treater drop-out after about five houses. The rain was just to much for her. Oh well….maybe next year. 🙂

How was your trick or treats?




  • Oh my goodness…everyone looks great! Did that Twister outfit come like that – or did someone make it? I think I may totally have to snag that idea for next year!

  • Hey Rebecca! We got it at Walmart…but I saw a homemade one, it was super easy, they just sewed the sides of the game board/plastic thing together and then cut a hole for the arms and head. It was cute. 🙂

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