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Praying like a Juggernaut.


Praying like a Juggernaut.

So as you can see this blog has been a wee bit neglected last week. Life just took over and I don’t know were I left my head, my pillow or my blog entry’s. 😉

But Monday, you fail me not and have arrived right on schedule.

It’s another crazy week. But I’m thinking crazy is the new normal. Therefore, I love it.

I have SO much that I want to blog about today but I have this enormous burden to share with you an incredible message I heard this weekend at our church. We as a church are reading through the New Testament in 30 days. Yes, 30 days. It’s been quite a challenge but both Kris and I made it through week one. I am so proud of Kris and his efforts…reading is not his favorite thing. 🙂 God is really doing neat things in his life and I love seeing him getting fired up for Jesus.

It’s amazing when everyone comes together to do the same thing, there just seems to be a high spirit of praise in the sanctuary. It was powerful. And the sermon? Wow…so awesome!

Have you ever heard of a Juggernaut? Me either. I sure did have to come home and ask Mr.Googleman what is such a thing after church. And WOW…have I been missing out on such a word. Listen to this amazing definition:

“A massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way”

So the title of this week’s sermon was right on: “Pray like a Juggernaut”. Based on Acts 4:23-41.

Here was Pastor Steven’s 10 ways to climb through this hike to being a Juggernaut. 🙂 Oh how I love that word!

1. Prayer is your highest appeal not your last resort. {Amen to that. Prayer should be the first place we go, not the last}

2. When we seek the Lord together it multiplies our power. { “Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.” Matt 18:19(NAS)}

3. Prayer is a conversation in the courts of a King. {Pastor Furtick talked about a time where someone he was praying with started the conversation with God as “Dude”. When we pray we need to remember WHO we are talking to. God is not our bestie or our “bro”. He is our GOD, our KING and our SOVEREIGN LORD. We should enter His presence with HIGH respect}

4. Build your prayer on the solid foundation of God’s sovereignty.

5. Whatever you do, don’t build your case before God on what you deserve. {So many times we come into God’s presence telling Him WHY we need this or WHY we want this to happen.}

6. Build your case on God’s agenda, not your own.

7. Remind God of what He has done for others and what He has promised to do for you. {Not because God needs a reminder…but because it builds your faith in Him! Pray HIS word.}

8. Don’t always pray for God to make things better, pray for Him to make you bolder.

9. Expect God to move in response to your prayer. {But don’t just sit and wait for it to drop from the sky.}

10. If you are going to ask be prepared to Act.

I have to tell you that I struggle with prayer. I do. Praying for others seems easy but I often don’t know how to pray for myself. I’m such a big “Let God move” person and I’m not one to ever push open doors. But lately I have found myself on my knees so much. Where I need to be for sure. But sometimes I wish God didn’t have to be so extreme for me to hear Him. Obviously my problem, not His. {wink}

The Lord is leading me in such a direction that I have never thought He would lead. And not one that I’m totally crazy about either. But I would rather have my feet firm upon His leading than stuck in a mess of my own doing. He’s said a lot of “No’s” lately and opened doors that I never even asked to be opened. And it’s come with a lot of refinement…a lot.

So prayer is the preparation for His plan this much I know. And I want to be so in check with His voice and His words that when He says, “Jump” I say, “How High?” :). Complete surrender to the King often means giving up a lot of things, relationships and thoughts. But I can really say I would not trade it for anything or anyone.

Have an awesome week y’all. Come back tomorrow for a special Boo-Only Post. Someone is turning FOUR! 🙂 Fun times.




  • jill teamed with shelbee. tattooed cab driver licks busty babe.

    I am so glad you gave us the full rundown. I was so interested in the topic and you covered it really well. I especially like the one about praying to the Lord as King in His royal court. Thanks for taking the time to blog this-so usefull!


  • Your comment about God being a king immediately brought to mind the image of bowing down before earthly kings.

    The Word says that every knee shall bow…

    Ahhh…such a beautiful picture, eh?

  • I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link

  • Wow! what an idea ! What a concept ! Beautiful .. Amazing …

  • I didn't understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?

  • Maybe you should edit the post subject title Praying like a Juggernaut. — Nicki Koziarz to more catching for your webpage you write. I liked the the writing even sononetheless.

  • I love the word Juggernaut and the thought to pray so boldly as a a Juggernaut is awesome – and yes I need to learn to pray more bold – love your blog

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