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Know God.


Know God.

I am sitting outside on my deck on this perfect spring morning. Everything all around me screams beauty. The tress are all now in full-bloom, the grass has finally turned green [you have no idea how much I loathe the Bermuda grass] and, momma birds everywhere are singing songs to their new babies in their nests [despite the Kennyboos efforts to sabotage all new life this spring, but that’s another post].

This morning has the makings for a great day.

But deep in my heart, I must admit my emotions are a bit full. Some are good emotions -some not so good.

Almost daily, I will hear someone say or read and e-mail that says, “But I know God has…”. Sometimes the … says: To write a book. Or to speak. Or to go on a mission trip. Or…something. And really past those words what people are saying is, “I know I’m valuable and haven’t gone through everything I have for nothing.”


And for whatever reason, God has not done [yet] what they know He has said.

I have been there. And in many ways -I am still there.

But I was thinking about that word phrase, “I know”. Those are two very confident words placed together to form a standard, a mantra, a destiny, a confidence…in God but also in ourselves.

However, those two words together after a period of rejection, heartache and disappointment can very quickly turn into, “I thought I knew…”. And that stings the soul more than anything. Because then, we don’t feel like our story or gifts are valuable and that leads to great disappointment.

I really believe that as women seeking to know God in a more intimate way, in a world that is becoming less and less private, we have got to return to a sacred place in our walks with Him.

The truth is when we say, “I know God…”, we are honestly putting God into a box. And believe me, I know it’s hard to think about your biggest dream being in a box…because you think it’s the height that you can go. But God…is not able to have a cap on His plans. They are beyond ANYTHING we can imagine.

So what do we do when we are teetering on the lines of “I thought I knew…”?

1. You make it more sacred. You get before God and only God and you cry your heart out to Him. You deal with your business before the Father and lay it at His throne. While it’s great to have friends to pour your heart out to, sometimes the business that God has to take care of is just between you and Him. Don’t lose sight of the scared place that God wants you and I each day.

“But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house; in reverence will I bow down toward you holy temple.” -Psalm 5:7

2. You get ready. If God is requiring a bold step of faith[which He does…for everyone], you do everything you can to get ready. You read, you study, you research, you pray and you do everything within your own strength to be ready.

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” -Jeremiah 29:13

3. You wait. This is the hardest for anyone, not just someone who is impatient. You wait and wait and wait. But…you wait in expectation. You can “know” that God is going to show up and show off but that it is all in His time. And His time? It could mean YEARS.

“Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.” -Psalm 27:14

4. You fail. As doors open and you wonder if they are from God or not, the only way to even begin to understand is to attempt to walk through each and every one. And failure hurts, yes it does, but through failure we will begin to see what works and what doesn’t work.

“It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.” -Psalm 119:71

5. You know scripture;not what God plans. The bible tells us that we cannot even comprehend the mind of God. Take some power scriptures and place them all over your house and heart. Believe that God is with you through every step!

“For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear;I will help you.” -Isaiah 41:13

6. You stop thinking your the next Beth Moore. Ok, it took a lot of guts to say that but friends, I meet people all the time who say this [seriously]. Beth Moore, is Beth Moore. You are, you. And I can assure you that God has NOT called you to be Beth Moore. God has gifted you in ways that only you can fulfill. Believe that! I believe that jealousy and envy is a tool that the enemy uses to steer us away from knowing what God really has for us.

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.” -Romans 12:6-8

I see women who are falling into a pit of depression because they know their lives are valuable but yet God “seems” to be doing nothing with it…I have been there too. We have to press on and believe that destiny is on it’s way. We just have to get there. And the road to destiny is different for everyone.

So today, what is God asking you to press on to? Is there a new mountain to climb? A new victory to be won? Or a destiny that is beyond anything you can imagine? Believe in your heart that God has great things for each of us. We are all His chosen ones, He doesn’t just set apart “some”. He chose…you.

Trust. Believe and Know…God.




  • jill teamed with shelbee. tattooed cab driver licks busty babe.

    You wrote this post for me today. Especially #4. I've been walking through doors and wondering why they aren't the right one. I don't know if I am waiting like I should be or what. It gets so hard sometimes and I've been saying too," I thought I knew what God…" and then I go my own path.

  • love this 🙂

    and on a completely unspiritual note, i also loathe bermuda grass. seriously. (and don't even get me started on how i can't keep the dead grass from being brought into the house. ugh. it's driving me crazy.

    okay, sorry to have hijacked your beautiful post with a crazy bermuda grass vent ;).

  • Excellent. Just excellent! It all boils down to "learning to be content" right where the Lord has placed us NOW. I especially like what you said about "I know" putting God in a box. That is good. I definitely want the "immeasurably more" that He has to offer! Blessings!!!

  • Wow my friend…just so you know…I will be put this on my blog so others can come here and truly meet with Jesus…cause I just did and boy the feeling is overwhelming. This spoke to my heart…my eyes are full of tears of joy and contentment…my Jesus has spoke truth in my heart through this post…thank you Nicki for this…you my friend are a beautiful daughter who speaks His love, grace and truth boldly! I love you…and am praying and knowing you will have a GREAT family vacation on the beach!

  • The verse that is coming to my mind is the one about the potter using the same lump of clay to make noble things as well as items for common use. Both are necessary.

    It makes me sad to consider that a person thinks of themself as 'less loved' or 'less useful' or – especially – that God is 'less good' or 'moving less' because they are not gifted or seen like someone else. God doesn't love Beth Moore more than He loves you, or me, or anyone else. We need to remember that!

    Thanks so much for sharing your heart.

    Love you!

  • Tea with Tiffany sent me over here to read this post.

    I must say Nicki, this is some fire under my bum kind of powerful reading.


    I'm thinking along the lines of God having something powerful for me in my destiny that is beyond my comprehension. I'm doing all I can to be "ready".

    Thank You Father for using Nicki to get Your message out. In Jesus' name, amen.

  • I apologize… I got my blog friends mixed up. I meant to say Nichole from Living My Life On Purpose sent me over here to read your post!

  • Very powerful post Nicki! You are 100% correct in saying God gives us all different gifts. And it is ok to be just what God made me. Nothing more, nothing less as he is watching our backs!

    Have a great beach vacation!

  • Thank you so much for sharing this! Every word you said rang completely true with my heart. For sure Jesus has imprinted these truths upon your heart so that you can help others around you such as I to either confirm what He has spoken to us or speak these words to someone for the first time. Thank you for obedience. It for sure has not and will not go in vain.

    Loving and Trusting Him,


  • I just thought of this…

    I really like this post. God cares most about us becoming more like himself than changing our every situation that seems too hard or difficult for us at the present time. That's when it's best and easiest (well not always easy at first) to trust Him cause He cares for us enough to allow His destiny to wait so that we can be transformed into the image of His son! Amen! Keep praising Him with your words!

  • Such good, good stuff! And may I say, I am glad you said that about stop thinking you are the next Beth Moore! 🙂 We truly do need to quit comparing ourselves and quit competing with one another!

    He has certainly had to work on me…okay, is STILL working on me…with realizing that who I am is a unique wonderful creation made in love by my awesome Creator for His purposes and His alone.

    He and I have definitely had to spend some "sacred" spilling of my guts to Him time lately! And He is so tender to minister to my heart!

    K 🙂

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