*If you are visiting from the She Seeks site today, welcome!
Four nights ago today I sat at a table with some of the most amazing people I have ever met. And a question was posed to each of us as to how we would put our thoughts from five days into thirty seconds.
I thought it was impossible -yet necessary.
And so I fumbled through the gazzilion thoughts, experiences, emotions and circumstances over those five short days I came up with this thought:
I have seen the richest lives amongst the poorest of poor because someone decided to change lives one at a time.
I could write entire blogs on the tragic stories I heard, the frightful images that flow through my mind of children living in unthinkable living conditions or mother’s who truly don’t know where their next meal for their children will come from.
And perhaps I will at some point, but it’s all a little too raw on my soul today.
When I left for El Salvador one week ago today, I really thought Compassion was just a great ministry to help feed children physically, spiritually and emotionally. But what I didn’t understand is that Compassion isn’t just helping children.
They are ending poverty one child at a time. And it’s working.
The thing is, Compassion cannot do this alone. They need you and I to step forward and jump on to this movement of God.
For $38 a month, you can change a life, make a difference and bring hope. You can help bring the elimination of images like this:
And bring HOPE through images like this:
Think carefully about what $38 means to you and I. A night out? Several trips to get coffee? A new pair of shoes? A new pair of jeans?
But to Compassion…$38 means lives changed….forever.
Every penny that comes in through Compassion is used to the absolute fullest. There are no secrets, no wishy washy situations, no questions that won’t get answered. They are 100% legit.
I beg you to think about becoming a sponsor for one child. They will think you are the greatest person in the world. They will cheerish you, pray for you and hold you closer to their hearts than anyone in their lives. You will make a difference from the inside out and because of you, they will experience love in ways they never knew possible.
You will help mother’s dreams for their children to come true. Father’s to feel a sense of relief and for children to know with all their hearts there is hope for their lives.
So today, in the comments I want to help answer your questions about Compassion. I would love to help you sort through the information on how to become a sponsor, what a sponsor does and how you can begin to make a difference. Anything you want to ask, it’s open! And if you sponsor a child, please share your story…tell me and others about your child, the letters you recieve and how it’s made you feel doing this.
And if your ready, here is a link to help you get started in helping end poverty one child at a time. CLICK HERE.
There will be MUCH more to come about this trip! So much to share. 🙂
Nicki thanks for beginning to run the race for the kids of El Salvador! I believe Compassion is investing in the future because we are a very small world and what happens in one part touches us all.
Please tell your readers why you believe Compassion is 100% legitimate on how they spend money readers give and why there is more that is required of a sponsor than just sending a monthly check.
Thanks for getting the ball rolling for El Salvador!
Hi Nicki,
I have been sponorsing a boy named Onesmus from Uganda for the last 2 years. He is 15, we picked a boy because we have all girls, but wanted to pick one who fit in the same age range as the girls.
I love when we get letters from him! He is very precious to us. One thing I have told him from day one is that he sees the exact same sun I do and when I feel the sun on my arms I thinking of him!
Mom, great question!
Ok, Compassion has "project" centers located throughout the sponsored country. They are going in through the local church's to begin the process of what Compassion does.
Each day a child is brought to the compassion project and they are taught a bible story, given food AND most importantly next to Jesus, they are taught a skill.
For example: sewing,music, cooking, car mechanics and computers.
The teenagers are also taught how to become leaders within their community.
So while Compassion is not only helping a child, they are creating jobs within Compassion. Local people are all used to run the projects, teach and develop.
Compassion never hands anyone cash. They carefully look at the needs of the family, individual and if there is a need, they meet it.
For example: When you send your birthday "gift" money, the Compassion project worker finds out what the child needs the most and purchases it, brings it to the child -from you. If it's over $50, a picture is sent to you of what was purchased but you always recieve a thank you letter.
There are also accountants and auditors that are working on each project that are keeping a close eye on every penny that comes through. Nothing is left un-accounted for and accountability is HUGE within Compassion.
Sponsors need to also write letters to the kids. I cannnot emphasize this enough! These letters are like GOLD to these kids. They keep them forever, and the kids who don't recieve letters are truly devestated. They feel as though we don't care to take the time. They don't understand e-mail and all the other fast social media connections that we make. They LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the handwritten letters with pictures. Every home that we went to said that was the best part.
The sad thing is only 40% of sponsored kids recieve letters. So be sure to write!! 🙂
Jenny, that brought tears to my eyes! So precious!! Keep it up!! You are making a HUGE difference in that boy's life!!! And he has proably told his whole community what you said. 🙂
I love how Compassion has people GO to areas… I have sponsored for YEARS with World Vision… so these are two seperate organizations – right?
What a fantastic thing you did, traveling to unknown areas… seeing those precious faces!
That last picture of that girl in the red – WOW – she's STUNNINGLY beautiful!
Rebecca, I agree! Nothing is more impactful than a first-hand experience.
I don't know much about World Vision but no they are not connected. It sounds like they are doing much of the same thing with creating relationships so be sure to write your child! It will make a HUGE difference in their life!!
I agree…that girl was amazing!! 🙂
the Lord must be trying to get my attention about this because every time i turn around i'm hearing or seeing something about sponsoring a child through this organization. my passion is for the fatherless and i know these kids have families but there's nothing like making a difference in the life of a child, orphaned or not. think i'm gonna go have a little talk with Jesus and my hubby.
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