Going beyond.


Going beyond.

All three of my girls have had a “woobie” at some time or another in their lives. What’s a “woobie”? It’s a soft, something that brings comfort and security to them. And even though we have packed away their woobies, every once in awhile they will still ask for it. Even Taylor -who would die if she knew I just wrote that on here. [smile] It’s familiar to them, they know the smell of it, the touch of it and its what they want when they just need to have a “moment”.

But, I’ve been thinking about this whole idea of going beyond just being comforted today. Because, I really believe that is why so many people decide that they want a relationship with Jesus…because He can comfort. We can “pull Him out” when needed.

And while I believe this to the fullest and need it so often in my life…I can’t help but want to shout it out that Jesus didn’t come just to lick our wounds!

For so long, I have walked around just a wounded person. I believed that Jesus loved me, He wanted me and that He forgave me for all the mistakes I made in my life…but I wasn’t sure there was going to be much more to this relationship beyond just comforting my wounds.

How wrong was I.

Jesus has things to do. Business to take care of. And He’s not messing around with time in our lives.

I’m reminded of this verse in Proverbs 4:11-12 that says, “I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.”

There are times to walk with God, and there are times to run.

I feel like that’s what God is saying this morning, “Nicki…stop walking and start running.” [not literally…because He knows I’m not quite fond of the whole running thing. :)]

Friends, its time to pick it up. Make your decision and decide which side of the line you stand on and then…just go! Do your thing in Him, be confident and press on like you are the greatest rock star on this earth. Because you are!

So, I’m off. Let this race get even more wild, let it get even more exciting and may we all be more and more like Him as we go way beyond the comfort stage.



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    oh, and of course you’re free to visit and drop a comment on my blog too =)
    have a nice day!

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