The Silence of God.
Have you ever been there?
Those days, weeks and months that your heart is consumed with prayer, seeking, trust and hope. Yet, all you seem to experience is…silence? I most certainly have.
But what lays in the depths of my soul today is a question: Will I stay committed to the vision through the silence of God?
It’s hard friends. Knowing God has placed a purpose in your heart that goes way beyond something of selfish gain. And through that waiting process we experience…silence. Pure silence.
-A mother waits for her child that never seems to come.
-A wife prays for her husband who never seems to change.
-A writer writes stories, articles and chapters…that never seem to get published.
-A girl waits for that husband she knows God has for her who never seems to arrive.
-Someone waits and waits for the healing hand of God and it never seems to come.
Where does God seem to flock in those desperate moments that we need to feel His touch so bad? Why doesn’t He just appear and make Himself known to us in a very practical way?
Well, I’m sure if you’ve taken any inventory on who God is lately…you have noticed that He seems to work in the most illogical ways possible. Nothing He does ever makes a bit of sense to this girl right here who is constantly seeking “sense” in this life.
But…God is so much bigger than the silence. So much bigger.
Have you ever found out that someone was planning something for you? And you wondered what all the buzz was constantly about! Why were people were being a little rude and “off” with you? Only to discover that all the while…they were planning something that was going to blow you away!
It kinda makes us feel rotten when we discover that truth. [smile]
And that I believe is exactly how God works through the silence of our lives. He is reminding me that through the silence, He is working -the most. There are just things that are none of my business right now -it’s His business, He’s working, He’s moving and He’s bringing purpose…and I don’t even need to know about it.
But while we wait for the promises of God to come into full circle in our lives…the greatest thing we can do is –just stay committed. Keep believing. Keep trusting. Keep on knowing what you know and don’t listen to a lick of criticism in this world.
You are God’s. You have a vision. You have a purpose. You are…chosen. Stay committed to every bit of that.
I love your heart as much as I love you!! Awesome post!
Nicki, This was such a blessing this morning. I had decided that I was really going to get to know the friends that I have on Facebook (which you are) and get it in my head how I know them and how I can pray for them and really be connected in their lives. I believe this is my first time visiting your blog and I immediately went to your vlogs and received even more of a blessing.
I look forward to truly getting to know you.
What truth lies in this post. 🙂 So often I think I take the silence of God the wrong way. I can find myself feeling ignored, rejected and at times abandoned. It is then I need perspective much like when you said that “in the silence he is working the most”. One thing I do have to remember is to continue to pursue Him despite my feelings toward His silence.
So now I am wondering- In this season of silence… what is He up to??
Thanks for the perspective girl 🙂
Thank you for this wonderful post. I had no clue that I needed this post but I did. It is amazing how something like me doing my daily blog reading can impact me when I don’t even expect it. Thank you for your encouragement!
You’ve beautifully captured what we all struggle with from time to time. Faith is hard when there’s not much evidence of our faithfulness. I just wrote about spiritual drought and can really relate to what you’re writing here. Thanks for your anointed words. I need them this morning.
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