It’s been a good summer.


It’s been a good summer.

I cannot believe today is the last day of summer break! Wow. This summer has flown by.

It’s an exciting year in our house. Taylor will start 5th grade and Hope will start 2nd. I cannot and I repeat…cannot believe this is Taylor’s last year of Elementary school. Ms.Kennedy will start back to pre-school next week. [I may or may not be cheering right now about that one. :)] And so we will all soon be back into our crazy routine.

It’s been a good summer and I will miss:

-sleeping in

-slow mornings

-long days at the pool

-family trips

-staying out late

-not worrying about what is going on tomorrow

We’ve spent our last few days having fun at the pool, movies and lot’s of talking [because that’s what girls do] about this next year. We are ready and we are excited!

But the other night…I got really excited about something!

My beautiful friend Cindy Summers from Army Brats and Me, was featured on Lifetime TV on Sunday night. Let me tell you, this girl is amazing and the Lord is doing great things in her life. She was awarded the winner of the Armywives/Lifetime Gives Back. I cannot find the video anywhere online [bummer] but I just want her to know how proud I am of her and how excited I am to see where God takes her on the rest of her journey! She’s going to help a lot more people now.

On that same note…many of you have prayed for my mom as well and I’m so happy to tell you that she went to her doctor last week and received GOOD NEWS. No cancer! She is done with her treatments and will continue on a few meds for the next few years but she is healed! Thank you Lord!

But, it’s an exciting Fall with lot’s of neat things going on. One of which I want to tell you about today.

On Friday night I get the chance to speak on an online conference called, “Just for God’s girls”. I LOVE what A woman inspired conference does anyway, but this event? I’m STOKED about it. Why? Because…it’s FREE… AND it’s for Teen girls…and their mom’s can listen in too.

So, I’d love for you to join in. All you have to do is go here to register.

I’ll be speaking at 7:30 EST on the topic of “Authentic Destiny- What does God see for my life?”. We will look at the life of Esther and how God called her out of her generation to become an unlikely hero of faith.

So, summer, we say goodbye. But it’s been an awesome one. Let’s do it again, next year. Hello fall, let’s rock this season out too.

What has been your favorite thing this summer? Leave a comment, I’d love to know!



One Comment

  • I miss being home with my kids during the summer. I think working moms miss so much of the fun stuff you can do just hanging out with your kids all summer. I was privileged to be a stay at home mom for 14 years and loved it…just wish I could continue the next couple with my son. Praise the Lord that your mother received a good report. I will pray that future reports continue to be good. My mother was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and I’m praying for the day they say it is in remission. She is in the 2nd week of radiation and chemo.

    I hope the first days of school go smoothly as you get back into that routine.

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