The touches of God.


The touches of God.

It’s Sunday morning, about 7am. I’ve been up for over two hours already. My eyes are tired but sleep didn’t find me very well last night. In fact, it hasn’t found me very well for quite a few nights. And it’s not because of little ones keeping me up. My soul is troubled…but I don’t necessarily think it’s such a bad thing.

Because at 5am when God is tugging on your heart to get out of bed and come and spend time with Him in the silence of your living room -you know that He has things to say. Things maybe you might not want to hear but are necessary…as I have felt this early morning.

The spiritual warfare in my home has been intense lately. And I don’t write to scare anyone or cause anyone’s eyebrows to raise. But the fact is, when God is at work -the enemy is right there with Him. Doing whatever he can to distract, to cause doubt and to fall away from the plans that God has for us.

But…I’ve been afraid.

And that’s just not a place where I need to be. Or any of us for that matter.

The agenda of God isn’t just to comfort us. He’s more than that. And sometimes… I forget that.

I feel like the seasons of my life have just been changing like crazy lately. I’ve longed for what is comforting, what I’ve always known and who I have always been.

But as our seasons change…we change. And that can be painful. God tells us that its time to start letting go of some things and moving closer to the the things we know He’s purposed us to. That stretching process feels a little brutal right now. But I know it’s the ultimate pre-requisite for the faith that cannot be shaken.

Faith that cannot be shaken.

Wow. What a profound thought that is. What a huge dose of “growing up” that is. What an impossible statement for the most possible God.

So as I’m struggling through this refinement process, God’s given me these three statements that I want to pass on to someone…anyone -who God leads to see this who is struggling with faith that feels like it can be shaken right now. And maybe it’s just for me, maybe it’s for one other person. I don’t know -but I will just type. [smile]

1. Strength to press on comes from walking in supernatural favor from God. And that is accessible to everyone who has the spirit of God in him. We are weak and prone to fail without Jesus. But we are strong and given great purposes with His redeeming spirit of grace on our lives. We have to receive it though…and not just once….daily, moment by moment. Remembrance that everything, even strength -comes from Him.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness.” -2 Corinthians 12:8

2. We don’t have to be afraid. Sometimes we have to do the very thing our souls tell us we don’t have the strength to do. I had a friend once that told me that every day her son would literally put on Ephesians 6:10-17 [the armor of God]. I’m thinking he has it right. When we don’t feel like we can face another day of challenges…remember the power that God has given us through Him. It’s very accessible…call it out!

“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” -Ephesians 6:11

3. Know who you are. While it’s great to look up and admire others, the Lord has really shown me lately that our own idolisms (even of Christians) is dangerous. It’s hard to know who you are if you are always looking at the person ahead of you. Lately the Lord has shown me this beautiful picture of what individual faith looks like and it’s really awesome if we will stick to the place God has us today, not where we’d like to be or what it could look like in ten years…know who we are…today. Lord, what do you want to do with me…today.

“Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me.” -Psalm 25:5

More than anything this very quiet morning, God has just impressed on my heart my great need for Him. Daily, I am seeing more and more how I want less and less of this world and more of Him. He’s the greatest addiction there is. [smile] I cannot get enough of Him. But while I love to sit in His word and in His presence like I’ve done for hours already this morning…life must be lived.

So as the sun pierces through the blinds this beautiful morning, I’m thankful for the pouring of His spirit onto my heart. A much needed touch from Him. More than enough to make it through….just another day.




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