


Sometimes, we just need to take inventory.

I am at a place in my life where I have never been more uncomfortable with my relationship with God but I have also never been more content with my life. Strange…I know. There are many things my heart longs for and many things I am striving towards but I’m not anxious, fearful, or worried. I cannot help but think -this is exactly where I am supposed to be.

I have the faith that looks foolish to some and I am believing in God for some of the most audacious things right now. I am praying with tenacity but I am also realizing that there are some battles that are just not mine to fight.

I just keeping thinking about Moses. The journey he took. The obstacles he overcame. The truth that he discovered for his own life and the fact that Moses saw what was in his hand.

Our days are filled with seconds, moments and hours all of which are a loan. And just like with any loan we don’t have the opportunity to pay it back…we have an obligation. I think it is exactly the same when we look at our hands, our time and our lives. What are the obligations that God has given to us today?

We spend so much time wishing our ways into the next seasons of life. We don’t appreciate what we have today. And we look at what God gives others and allow seeds of jealousy to destroy our very own seasons. I cannot help but think that if we would just enjoy our season we would never have to face those struggles.

So today, I recognize the sweet words of a four-year-old saying, “Mommy, I’ll miss you today.” The kiss from a husband on his way to work. The phone call from a friend who believes in me. A lunch date with someone who makes me feel good. A drive through a long carline as a chance to pray.

I see it. I recognize it. And I know…it’s enough. I embrace this season because it’s brought contentedness -which is one of the greatest gifts God can allow us to learn. [smile]

What’s in our hands are beautiful moments, cherished people and chances to challenge our love. Use what you’ve got, give all you can and receive the simplicity and humility that comes with content faith.




  • Friend I just found myself here…and so glad I did! You are just a shining light in this world…of what I like to call REAL! Thank you! I am reading a super awesome book right now and I think you would love it too…”One in a Million”…by Priscilla Shirer.

  • I’ve heard great things about that book Nichole, I think I will order it! 🙂 Love you!

  • It seems like every one of your posts applies to my life. Totally what I needed to hear. Thanks!


  • Thanks for reading Maddie, being content is tough, but it’s very necessary in our spiritual growth…and girl, if you can get that now, you will conquer the world!!! 🙂

  • you nailed it! that attitude is so right, girl..because it’s here and now that we are going to learn the lessons that God wants us to learn not in some distant future that might never is in enjoying the moment and being thankful for what we have that make us appreciative of God’s many graces everyday.. thanks for sharing this.. bless your heart!

  • Nikki–I enjoyed this post. God’s bringing me to a similar place. It’s easy to miss the really good, good things God has for us when we’re looking at someone else’s “season.” Or even looking at other “seasons” of our lives and wondering if something’s wrong because we can’t do what we used to. God’s showing me that He’s taking me into a new season and that I can let go of things that used to be meaningful and important because they just don’t fit with what He wants for me now. In letting go, I can give my full attention to His present purpose and that’s where I find contentment.

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