What matters Monday.


What matters Monday.

Does this really matter?

That’s a hard question to answer sometimes. Because if we were to really be honest, a lot of times the answer would be: no.

No, it doesn’t matter if my daughter has three or four pieces of gum today. It doesn’t matter if I do these five loads of laundry that are staring recklessly at me –they will all still be there tomorrow. And no, it doesn’t matter if I even write this blog post today.

Truly, there are some things in this life that do not matter.

But then, there are other things that do matter. Like today, it matters if I trust God to pull us through some of the hardest days of owning a company that we have ever experienced. It matters if I seek Gods purpose and plan for my life today. It matters that I keep my eyes on Him, my words glorifying and my heart pure…yes, those things do matter.

Because while doing laundry, writing a blog post or how many pieces of gum my daughter chews doesn’t define me…my life being found complete in Jesus does.

Its really what matters.

Today, I’m afraid I have a confession. I have sought the approval of others to much. It has mattered to much what others have thought of me. I feel like when we get to this point in our lives that approval becomes all that matters to us, its really tragic.

Trust me….I know.

Approval numbs us to this place of not knowing whether we like chocolate or vanilla better. We just want what everyone else likes.

Approval convinces us that we must follow other peoples foot-steps towards success. Because if the approval of success found them then maybe if we do everything like them…it will find us too.

And approval leaves us feeling empty. Because when we are always seeking what others want for us it only leads to a feeling at the end of the day that is exhausting.

But today, I am so thankful that God is opening my eyes to see that there is so much more that matters than a pat on the back from someone. Being found complete in Jesus is one of the most freeing feelings I have ever experienced. These titles that we seek in our lives really create a disillusionment. Titles make us believe that if we have them we will be complete, somebody or of value to the world because we hold a certain gifting over our lives that can be defined by a title.

Today, I’m not seeking a title. I’m not seeking value. I’m not seeking fullfillment.

Because, those things…really don’t matter.

Today I seek as Romans 12:2 describes a calling that is not conformed to this world. I seek a complete heart that is not found in the approval of man. I seek a renewed mind that is set on the things above, not on the things of this world. Yes, I want to seek what really matters…the heart of God.

“Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will in, his good, pleasing and perfect will.” -Romans 12:2

Today I seek to: Be unlikely.


[Congratulations Kelly! You are the winner of Free and Fun Friday’s giveaway from Sissy Pants Creations. I’ll be in touch soon!]




  • This too often approval driven girl is right there with you…at a place of learning daily to find my worth in Him. Learning to be content and settled in HIM…whether there is lots of approval coming my way or seemingly not a bit. He is helping me redefine what I NEED, and what I need is HIM.

    It really is a daily thing for me. Definitely.

    Thanks for this post!

    • Kimberly, thanks for sharing that I’m not alone in this struggle. I love what the Lord is doing through you and in you…its beautiful to watch. 🙂

  • Hey sweetie,

    God is showing me that lots and lots of women are addicted to approval. I’m not alone in this! It’s just one of those things we have to stay on top of. When the desire for approval creeps in, that’s when we need God’s word hidden in our hearts so we can say, “NO! It is written, ‘You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” (Ephesians 4:22-24)

    We’ll just pray for each other, ok? Love you bunches!

    • Amen girl. It is something we have got to stay on top of or it will eat us alive. Love you!

  • Nicki, this post reminds me of Clayton King’s sermon Sunday on greed which I have been thinking alot about. I was taken back by greed showing up in many characters of the bible which then turned into an idol. I had to really process the suggestion of greed being more than what we commonly think of as money and that we all had greed of some type. He said Pilot got stuck in wanting to have approval from his people when he turned over Jesus to be crucified. Adam and Eve wanted to be like God, Moses had greed for respect, Peter – greed for independence.

    So Clayton answered the question how do we overcome? I love how he put it. Greed is a disease, God is the cure and generosity is the vacine. A vacine continues to work not a one time shot. So I think you are on the right track 🙂 Hugs today.

  • wow! I so needed to read this today. And Romans 12:2 keeps popping up in my life, like daily. Thank you!!

  • I have no idea what that means so if you explain I will see if I can get it fixed.

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