Where is my heart?


Where is my heart?

Last weekend our church began a new series called: Scarecrow in a Melon Patch. It was one of the best sermons I’ve ever heard on idolatry. You can click here to watch the Elevation Experience online every hour.

The sermon was based on Jeremiah 10:1-6 and I encourage you to take a look at this passage. Pastor Furtick gave this list of questions to basically help determine where your heart is:

  1. What am I most afraid of?
  2. What are the primary things I spend my money on outside of necessities?
  3. What do I long for most passionately?
  4. Where do I run for comfort?
  5. What do I complain about most?
  6. What makes me happiest?
  7. How do I explain myself to other people?
  8. What has caused me to be angry with God?
  9. What do I brag about?
  10. What do I want to have more than anything else?
  11. What do I sacrifice the most for in my life?
  12. If I could change one thing about my life, what would it be?
  13. Whose approval am I seeking?
  14. What do I want to control/master?
  15. What comfort do I treasure most?

I’ll be honest, these questions were not easy to answer. I was deeply convicted in my areas of my life. But do you really want to know what the greatest struggle within my heart is right now? The idol that gets me more than anything? What I fear? Where my mind wanders?

It’s, failure.

Right now there are so many things up in the air in my life. The direction I felt the Lord taking me for so long suddenly doesn’t feel right and I feel like  the edge of a break-through is right there but there is some serious obedience that has to pull through before the break-through arrives.  

And I fail, every day. But thankfully I’ve learned along this journey that failure isn’t an option…it’s a requirement. We are all going to fail. Yet failure can still be that Scarecrow that stares us down and keeps us numb and still…exactly where the enemy likes us to stay put.

But that simple question of: Where is my heart, has really helped me to stay focused on what this life is about.

Jesus. Just Jesus.

So instead of being discouraged today with all the failure that I have in my life, I am thankful that my eyes are opened to the truth. I encourage you to work through those questions too. While it wasn’t fun, it was eye-opening and life-changing. And that’s what this whole journey is supposed to be about.

The comments are open for discussion today, if you’d like to share where your heart is, I’m listening, I’m available and I’m here to pray for you. We are not alone, we are here for each other and that is my goal through this blog…to be here for you.




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