So, I missed yesterday. There’s no excuse but I did have a lot going on. Things like a busted ear drum in my baby, her birthday and…some awful dental work.
Confession? I was asleep most of the day yesterday from the meds. And the time I was awake, I was just trying to make it through the day.
I still feel like junk. But I know I’ve got to stay committed to this process. So here we go…Day 18.
I’m still thinking and chewing on the truths that Christine Caine shared with our church this weekend.
She said something that is still sticking to me like glue.
“No one can sabotage your destiny. No one. No leader, No family member, no friend, no one. Don’t fear others….fear God.”
Sometimes, I need to hear that.
Keep my message in plain view at all times.
Concentrate! Learn it by heart! -Proverbs 4:21
Question 1 -What does this verse say?
God knew that we would be tempted to listen to the critical voices in our lives. I believe that is why over and over in scripture He continually reminds us to keep our eyes on Him. If His message of truth, hope, peace and joy is surrounding us it will be easier to keep our eyes on Him.
Question 2- What does this verse mean?
His message? Is truth. I believe we need to constantly be reminding ourselves to line ourselves up with it.
Question 3 -What does this verse mean to me?
The other day, someone said something kinda ugly to me. Maybe I was having an overly sensitive moment but it really hurt. I like to pretend like I have thick skin [smile] but the truth is…some-days I don’t.
And I think that is ok.
But what I believe this verse means to me personally, is that I always should consider what someone says. Its not healthy to walk around this world thinking I am the greatest thing since crushed ice. I’m not. I realize that.
But, its also not ok to walk around this world feeling constant defeat because of what ONE person said.
Even if ten people said it, I know if it doesn’t line up with God’s word…its not truth.
When I think about surrounding myself with HIS message this is what it looks like to me.
-Notebooks filled with prayers of Him speaking to me
-Verses and quotes about the life He brings to me on my walls, in my car and even on my phone. I just recently got this new app for my phone that allows me to pull up verses instantly that I can read in a matter of 15 seconds when I start to feel a lie slipping into my heart. Keeping His message in PLAIN VIEW at all times. That’s some powerful stuff.
-Speaking the truth. We are what we think we are. That is the truth.
No one can sabotage our destiny…except us. We can believe the lies or we can believe the truth. Today, I’m choosing truth. I’m walking out HIS message. I’m learning His message. I’m speaking His message.
One Comment
I like how you keep His message around you…notebooks of prayers from Him, the app on the phone. That’s really important in a situation like what you ran into with that person and all the time actually. Glad you’re back. So sorry you weren’t feeling well.
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