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Day 22 -I am not moving.


Day 22 -I am not moving.

“Keep company with God, get in on the best.” –Psalm 37:4

Question 1 – What does this verse say?

Mediocre. Ok. Suitable. These are not words that describe God.

This verse says to keep company with God…meaning, talk with Him, walk with Him, surround yourself with great voices that speak His word. Then, you get in on the best.

Question 2 -What does this verse mean?

I’m going to skip this question because I think I will answer it in Q3 today.

Question 3- What does this verse mean to me?

Lately, I’ve been thinking so much about God’s best. The one thing I love about my husband more than anything is probably his work ethic. He works hard. And I mean…HARD. He expects every job he does to be done with absolute excellence.

I really believe its one of the reasons that God has found favor on his Sun Stand Still prayer of owning his own company.

People have told us we were crazy to start a company in this economy…we are.

Competitors have told him he didn’t have enough man-power to do some of the jobs he’s done…he did them regardless.

There has been jealousy, opposition and many set-backs [aka a worrisome wife]. Yet he keeps on…with the same formula: excellence.

I feel like this verse is one of those whispers in our ear. Like the one that Kris heard to start our company.

“Keep company with God, get in on the best.”

Many people will miss excellence in this life. Greed, a lack of gratitude in their hearts, and selfishness.

What does keeping company with God look like for me?

A lot of it has to do with my own personal journey right now. I’ve asked God to do some painful things in my heart to allow me to become excellent for Him. Its not been pretty.

But I have never been a fan of the tie-it-in-a-bow-to-make-it-look-pretty Christianity.

Keeping company also means surrounding myself with great voices of His gospel presentation. I’m done listening to people who change directions like the wind and don’t strive for excellence.

Sometimes I think the greatest thing we can do to keep company with God is to just stay put. Don’t move. Keep your feet planted.

I want in on the best. I want to know the secrets and wonder of God. So I choose, to keep company, stay planted and seek excellence in my life.

Keep doing the next thing Nicki. Don’t try to make stuff happen. I am God. I don’t need anything or anyone to allow my purpose to come to being.

That is what God whispers in my soul today.




  • jill teamed with shelbee. tattooed cab driver licks busty babe.

    “Sometimes I think the greatest thing we can do to keep company with God is to just stay put. Don’t move. Keep your feet planted.”

    Amen my friend. I am staying put this time…I have ran away in the past…and never allowed HIm to completely heal and redeem my past…and girl for the first time it feels right…staying put with Him isn’t about following a religous rule, its about so deeply desiring all of Him…stay there my friend, I am praying for you and knowing God smiles upon you, HIs beautiful daughter!

    • Nichole, love you so much friend. Love your truth and vulnerability to share with the world what Jesus is doing in you and through you!! You are beautiful and I know that God is smiling on you too friend!

  • Nicki,

    I wanted to take a moment to say “thank you” for your blog and let you know how much I enjoy stopping by…everyday! I found you on about day 10 of your current journey. Now, I have you bookmarked on my phone. I typically begin clicking on your blog at around 5:30 each morning to see if you have updated! You are making an impact on me, girl! A few posts ago, you mentioned that you didn’t know if anyone was following your journey, but that you were going to stay faithful, because God had called you to this. At that point, I wanted to write you and say, “yes, someone IS reading; you ARE making a difference!”

    In your posts I most appreciate your “realness.” The willingess you have to share not just the good side of your journey, but the struggles, too, is ministering! I really think that as people begin to see us for who we truly are and not just as someone painted up with a mask to appear a certain way, that miracles will happen! In my own journey, there have been times when I was struggling to release something and when I learned that someone I admired had struggled with the same thing, hope was planted in my life and the enemy’s shame was uprooted!

    I pray you are encouraged this evening! I pray as your continue on your journey that God will heap more mercy, grace and truth on your life than you ever expected!

    Blessings to you!

    • Leigh Ellen! I’m so glad you left a comment today!!! It means so much to me to know who is reading this blog. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this word of encouragement for me.

      I love it when the Jesus sisters take off their masks and start sharing their own journeys. I’m sure you have seen too that the more willing we are to share our own struggles the more other people are too.

      There are things that I struggle with that I hope to one day be able to write about. But sometimes I feel like God says, “Not yet.” There’s always a time and a place…sometimes its this blog, sometimes its not. But I try to be as vulnerable as I can to help others experience God’s truth too. 🙂

      So nice to hear from you!!!!

  • God has been showing me lately that there are many “things” in my life getting in the way of his best for me, or even a relationship with him at all. I haven’t had God in my life for very long, only a few years, but in that time I haven’t bothered to develop a strong foundation in my knowledge of him or his love for me. I’m like the seed that fell upon the rocks. I see that I don’t know God. I’m not confident that he loves me and wants the best for me, that I can trust him, that he will heal me. I want to be. I want my kids to grow up loving and following God deeply and instinctively, I don’t want them to have the same struggles I have. So that makes it important for me to cast away all the things keeping me from obtaining that relationship with him. I’ll be going on a bit of a fast from the internet and TV, maybe a few other things too. Use the time to discover the BEST that God has for me. Thank you again for your blog and especially for this post, it certainly solidified my decision to do this. 🙂

    • Shelley, thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me…love hearing from readers. 🙂

      Sounds like God is doing some “stretching” of your skin as you set up and start to give up some of the “things” that are keeping you away from him.

      Please keep me posted on how this journey goes for you. It is hard but your obedience will be radically blessed as you choose to seek him more than the “things” of this earth. Excited for you!

  • Nikki=what an encouragement you are when you state “I’ve asked God to do some painful things in my heart to allow me to become excellent for Him. Its not been pretty.” Thank you!

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