Happy New Year friends!
I’m so excited about 2011 and all that is ahead in our lives.
But I also realize that sometimes things are not going to turn out right.
Like the yellow I chose to paint my living room…it didn’t turn out right. Or, this past weekend we tried to have a fun family excursion at the Great Wolf Lodge and…it didn’t turn out right. Vomit fest 2011 decided to party with us. And sometimes I look at my Kennyboo and think…she just didn’t turn out right. [smile]
Regardless, I realize that having the right perspective is always the key to finidng joy in all situations.
And that is what my hope for 2011 is: The right perspective.
So, for the next 30 posts on this blog its going to be all about perspective. A friend of mine told me about this amazing way to study the Bible as taught by Anne Graham Lotz. Click here to watch the link. I’m applying it to all of my posts for the next 30 days.
This is a personal journey –that I’m doing publicly. It won’t all be pretty and I can’t promise that you will still read this blog after discovering all these truths about me.
So, I don’t know if this journey will turn out right on this blog…but its what I feel needs to be done in my life right now. I need to write more. I need to take the layers off my heart more. I need to seek Him more. And…I need to try more.
After all, I’m all about giving 2011 my…best.
Starting tomorrow the first post will be up. There is no rhyme or reason to the topics that I pick, just what God is speaking to me about that day. This isn’t about building up new readers, or increasing my blog numbers…its really just an accountability thing to get my thoughts out there on paper each day.
Perspective…that’s what its all about for 2011.
Looking forward to see what God does through you with this!
A blog is a wonderful way to hold us accountable to staying in God’s word. Ann Graham Lotz is a wise person to teach us how to study rather than only give her words on a subject. I can’t wait to hear what God says to you. You’re wise for studying this way.
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