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Day 30 -What does God want me to do?


Day 30 -What does God want me to do?

Can’t believe its day 30!

What has been accomplished in my heart over the last 30 days has been something I will never forget. God has stretched me, made me very uncomfortable and helped me rekindle the love for writing my thoughts out –without the care of: Is anybody reading this?

Yes God, you are that good.

That you would challenge a nobody girl like myself to go deeper, become more and really learn that my words to you are important.

I’m challenged to continue writing every day…or at least five days a week. Yes, its harder to get up and get my fingers flowing first thing in the morning but, I want to continue to be stretched, challenged and motivated to seek you {God} in new ways each day.

Last night I had the honor and privilege of leading THE best community group of 20-some-thing’s in the world. Yes, I’m serious.

We had a packed house with 19 people and I was a little frazzled with trying to find seating for everyone –but this is the problem I have been praying to have. [smile]

We’ve even gone co-ed now with TWO guys there last night.

I have believed since day one of this group that God would be bringing people to this group who he is calling out of this generation to further the Kingdom of God. I call them world game changers. They are seeking truth in their lives and as light is shined into darkness…something incredible starts to happen.

We are starting to see it.

It’s really exciting to watch!

I felt really strongly that we as a group needed to start unpacking the idea of about purpose and plans that God has for each of us. I feel like sometimes people have gifts and talents that just haven’t had a chance to come through yet. Over the next few weeks our focus is going to be on unpacking these gifts and talents.

Last night I posed the question: How do I know what God wants me to do?

We began by talking about why it is hard to know what God wants us to do.

Some of the things we came up with were:

1. Having to many voices speaking into our lives [makes us confused].

2. Not wanting to get our hopes up again. We believed God for something once, and it didn’t happen.

3. Being indifferent to God. Not having a faith that can change things up…but rather just going through the motions of what it looks like to follow Christ.

We talked about how sometimes when we are pursuing the plans that God has for us it is really easy to look at the person sitting next to us and think:

Hmm…I kinda like what they are doing, maybe I will try that.

And before we know it, years of our life has passed us by because we were chasing something that was never ours to begin with.

We spent a long time camping out on this, which could be summed up by this statement:

God is not trying to hide your gifts and talents, what seems like the most insignificant thing in your life [to you], may be the thing God wants to use the most.

If we are perusing some gift that isn’t ours, we could miss out.

God has a plan and strategy for each of our lives and I think rather than asking our self what that plan is, we should ask God: How do I fit?

“Show me how you work, God; School me in your ways.” -Psalm 25:4

Each day we are all presented with unique opportunities or what I like to call: holy obligations. I strongly believe that these unique opportunities are glimpses of what gifts God is trying to help us see.

For example:

Are you constantly being challenged by people who are difficult?

Maybe God is allowing these opportunities to develop your character of being a leader.

Do you daily see the needs of others without someone having to say something about it?

Maybe you have the gift of compassion or mercy.

Do you keep having people ask you to sing, dance, write or play a musical instrument?

Maybe you have the gift of creativity.

Are people drawn to you to ask you for advice?

Maybe you have the gift of wise counsel.

The list could go on and on. But the truth that I wanted to pass on last night about opportunities is:

If God opens a door, its a sign that you can handle it.

Oh there is so much more to write but I am way past my word limit count today. [smile]

Just one more though on all this.

What if instead of asking God what he wants us to do every day we starting asking, “God, am I using what I have today for a purpose bigger than myself?”




  • jill teamed with shelbee. tattooed cab driver licks busty babe.


    I just wanted to say THIS IS WHERE I AM!!!! Thank you sooooo incredibly much for your writing. I appreciate you and what you do and am so thankful for your encouraging words. I am in this very place right now. I am sorry to say I did miss several postings as I was out of town but am looking forwa to backtracking and reading them!

    I feel right now like I’ve been challenged that I am just “going through the motions,” and that I am afraid I am going to wake up one day, years down the road or worse on my deathbed
    wondering what I did with my life? Did I live with purpose and passion? Did I “do anything worth anything?” Did I make and impact, or leave a legacy?

    I have been plagued by these questions of feeling like I am not where I want to be, but also unsure of where God has want me to be, more importantly. I feel like I’vebeen dragged in to many different directions and not pursuing what I should have, only to feel drained, exhausted, and empty.

    I look forward to hearing more from you and can’t wait to read some of the missed entries. I truly hope you continue to be inspired, motivated, excited and passionate about what you are doing! YOU GO GIRL! 😉

    Kristen Marie

    • Kristen! So good to hear from you! I’m so thankful to God that this post spoke to your heart too. You are such a sweet girl who has a lot of amazing things ahead. Press on, seek him and keep going!!

  • Nikki–you are wise beyond your years…what a blessing your words are to us all! I have read and reread this blog entry many times. (Actually am printing it off and putting it into my bible 🙂 Blessings!

    • Hi Kim! You are the sweetest. 🙂 Thank you for your constant love and encouragement. I am greatly inspired by you!! 🙂

  • Hi Nicki – I really enjoyed this post, as well as a few others that I’ve read. I recently started following your blog (I’m actually not sure who I got subscribed to it – maybe through another blog site?), and the Lord has used you already to speak to me. Thank you for taking the time to write what you’re learning and being open about some of the things that challenge you – as I think they challenge most of us!


  • Hi Jenny! Well, I am happy you found your way to my blog. 🙂 So glad you stopped by and took a minute to share with me what God has been speaking to you about. 🙂

  • I was lead to your site through another site and I must say this blog has truly blessed me. Thank you so much for hearing God and sharing it with others. I am in this very place you are referring to right now and it was so encouraging and gave me confirmation that I am in this place because God wants something more out of me. I am trying to understand and hear from God about what he wants me to do and which direction he wants me to take but truly hearing God can get cloudy because sometimes my personal desires get in the way. I am coming to this place of surrendering and confessing “Thy will be done,” (even though I may not want to do it) because I know that God knows best! Anyhow thank you for sharing and may God continually use you to touch others.

    • Hi Erica! Thanks so much for stopping by and I’m grateful that you were led here by another site and found encouragement. You are so right, it is so hard to give up our ways to surrender…the process is painful. But God does know best and when we know him we get in on the best. 🙂

      Thanks for sharing your heart!

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