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The low place.


The low place.

“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” -Luke 14:11

What does a humble life look like?

This is the question that’s plowing through my soul today.

I’ve noticed something with all three of my girls. Its a good thing…I think.

They all three think they are the greatest thing since crushed ice. [smile]

I mean, every ounce of art work that comes home is most definitely worthy of the playroom wall of fame [a wall I hang their artwork on] in their eyes.

They come downstairs dressed in the morning with a big ol juicy grin and will say, “Doesn’t this look good?”

And my favorite, Kennedy has  a song that she sings called: I am great. [seriously]

Now before you go thinking I am raising the most conceited generation of girls that ever existed, hear me out. I actually encourage them to think highly of themselves. Because I know that in a few years as the begin to enter teen-hood and adult-hood this world will do nothing but tell them how much they don’t measure up.

I do however realize that this teaching on being humble is in their very near future.

But what does this verse mean exactly?

If Jesus thinks we are the greatest things since crushed ice, shouldn’t we think of ourselves that way too?

Let’s define humble first. Sometimes we think we know what a word means because its been in our vocabulary since the 5th grade. Revisiting definitions is a good thing because it opens our minds to an old truth in a new way.

Humble –not proud or arrogant; modest

Proud –feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or creditable to oneself

I think there are several truths we can rest in when it comes to this.

1. God has given each of us unique gifts.

We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. -Romans 12:6

I think the problem with a lot of people though is they are still looking at the person next to them and thinking, “I want their gift.” So their own gift hasn’t been able to be developed because they are to busy chasing after something that isn’t theirs.

Where pride might start to slip in when this is our struggle is we are constantly seeking the affirmation of others.

When God has truly gifted us in an area, we don’t have to fish for compliments.  I want to share a scripture that has opened my eyes to understand this.

“Don’t call attention to yourself; let others do that for you.” -Proverbs 2:2 [MSG]

People will tell you what you are good at. It is important to not let the compliments go to our heads to feed our pride. But, I think its ok to allow the compliments to go to our hearts. Because, the heart is really the area God is concerned with…not our heads.

When the compliments go to our hearts and if Jesus is the center of our heart, then all the glory goes back to him. He WILL use others to affirm that we are heading in the right direction.

Also, be obedient.  If you see a strong quality in a person, tell them. You may be the voice of affirmation that God wants to use. Our society could use more cheerleaders.

2. When our confidence is in Christ, he wins.

I LOVE this verse, ready?

“Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on the track.” -Proverbs 3:6 [MSG]

Back to the first portion of Luke 14:11:

“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled…”

If we are having to exalt ourselves then we will very quickly learn to eat some humble pie. Which doesn’t taste good, by the way. [smile]

Think about all those precious peeps on American Idol. Have Mercy.

They thought they could sing, someone lied told them they could sing and now on national TV they are told by top people in the industry:

Honey child, you can’t sing.

That’s a serious piece of humble pie.

Ok, so quickly, back to the definition of humble: not proud, or arrogant…modest.

Doesn’t mean we can’t share our gifts with the world. No, by all means! If you can sing, SING. If you can teach, TEACH. If you can write, WRITE. [And there are many more gifts God gives his people.]

When we are humble, we don’t have to prove to anyone what our gifts are because our confidence is in God.

He wins.

He gets the glory.

He gets the praise.

Take those compliments to your heart and offer them back to God.

So maybe with my girls, teaching them about being humble looks a little like this right now:

“Yes, Taylor, God has given you the gift of art, your drawings are beautiful because God’s beauty shines through them.”

“Kennedy, you are great because greater is he [Jesus] who is in you than he that is in the world.”

“Hope, God has made you beautiful and has gifted you to see things in a beautiful way. I’m thankful for that in you.”

The low place…is really the high place.

What does humble look like for you today?




  • jill teamed with shelbee. tattooed cab driver licks busty babe.

    You portray a beautiful picture of humbleness. Currently with a 16yo Boy and soon to be 15 yo girl I am trying to teach them not to “humble” each other. OY. Crazy when they try to be each other’s Holy Spirit. You are doing right in esteeming your girls. I sub in the schools and believe me the world will humble them soon enough. The girls that seem to be making it and holding their own are the ones whose identity is secure in who they belong to. They are God’s girls and know it. Blessings to you as you raise future mommies & wives!

  • Hi Connie!

    Love what you had to say about this, thanks for sharing!! Love your insight. 🙂

  • You are instilling your girls with a beauty that can’t be taken away. When those days come they’ll have something, Someone, inside to hold on to. And I like your definition of humility for us…that compliments go to our heart where Jesus is. What better place?

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