A Confident Heart- Giveaway!


A Confident Heart- Giveaway!


That’s the number I turn today. I’m not a huge fan of this number…just so you know. [smile]

But, one of the things I’ve decided is to not allow numbers to define me.

Age, weight, statistics, blog visits, twitter followers or facebook friends…numbers can’t define us but they will try. They and many other things will try to steal our joy, our passion and…our confidence.

My friend, Renee Swope, recently wrote an awesome book all about the things that will try to steal our confidence. As I read her book, I thought about my own personal journey through insecurity, doubt, fear, and a lack of confidence in myself and God.

I’ll be honest, this book brought some healing to my heart. There were areas that I had overlooked, forgotten about and simply pushed under the rug. But beautiful things happens in our hearts when we allow Jesus to get all up in our business.

I’m grateful to know Renee Swope and she is the real deal. Her heart is honest, willing and open to the move of God through her. She shares a lot of personal stories in this book…stories that will touch you and allow you to feel as if you’ve known Renee for a long time.

And today, since its my birthday [smile], I’ve decided to give you two of you a special gift. Hot off the press, sitting on my desk are two copies of A Confident Heart!

Renee also has ton’s of free goodies for you on her website and you can be in the know of all the latest happenings, like her book trailer launch and other fun things on her facebook page!

To win, all you have to do is leave a comment and tell me what your favorite type of birthday cake is. I know, this has NOTHING to do with Renee’s book [wink], I’m just curious. I’ll put everyone’s name into a random drawing.

My husband has whisked me off to a “secret” birthday destination [yes, he’s the best] so I’ll announce the winners on Friday!  That means you have until Thursday night to enter!!!





  • Happy birthday! My favorite birthday cake is a pumpkin pie! Enjoy your trip!

  • Um…Walmart and it has to be Walmart. Yellow cake with whipped icing!!! Yum…kinda makes me want to go get one! Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a beautiful day!!!

  • Happy Birthday Nicki! I’m so glad God has crossed our path!
    My favorite birthday cake is actually what I call my birthday PIE
    my Mom’s Chocolate Pie! YUM!!

  • Happy Birthday to the marvelous and wonderful you. My all time favorite has to be an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway. May your day be one blessing after another.

  • Happy birthday to you!! My favourite birthday cake is: cream cheese cake with cherries. My own made actually haha. Wishing you a great day, enjoy!

  • Happy Birthday, Nicki! My favorite type of birthday cake is white with white icing. Boring, I know, but oh so good!

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I cant wait to read about all that you did for your birthday 🙂 I am SUPER excited about this giveaway! At She Speaks I was #52 in line! I missed out on getting this book by being 2 people farther back haha Ever since then I’ve been determined to win it in a giveaway 🙂 My favorite kind of cake is Pillsbury’s Funfetti Cake with Chocolate Frosting 🙂


  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I cant wait to read about all that you did for your birthday! I am SUPER excited about this giveaway. At She Speaks I was #52 in line. I missed out on getting a copy of this book by being 2 people farther back than I should have been. Ever since then I have been determined to win it in a giveaway haha My favorite kind of birthday cake is Pillsbury’s Funfetti with Chocolate frosting! Yum!!


  • Happy Birthday, girl! Praying God blesses your time away with hubby!

    My favorite is Ice Cream cake as well.

    Please don’t add me into the drawing. I have a copy already and I’d hate to take it from someone who doesn’t have one. Thanks!

  • Happy Birth Day!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite birthday cake is chocolate mint. yumyum

  • Happy Birthday! Enjoy your birthday destination!

    My favorite birthday cake is German Chocolate!

  • Happy Birthday!! (And btw, 31 is NOT old. My mom didn’t even have me until she was 40…and then she had two other kids after me!)
    Anyways , my favorite birthday cake is…well, I don’t really like cake (I can hear you gasping!) I usually ask for what my family calls Mississippi Mud but I think is actually called Three Layer Dessert or something like that – walnut crust, cream cheese, chocolate pudding and whipped cream = Yum!!

  • Happy Birthday! I hope all is enjoyable. I vaguely remember 31. My favorite birthday cake is my own pound cake served with a fresh raspberry sauce and chocolate shavings. Here’s wishing you your favorites for every day in what will be a fabulous year.

  • Happy birthday Nicki! Have amazing time on your getaway 😉 hope it is just as special as you! My favorite type of cake is made by my girlfriend from high school’s mom. She makes delicious cake for weddings and special occasions! I grew up getting to eat cake scraps. Anyway she makes this amazing white cake that melts in your mouth with this buttercream cream cheese frosting. Add raspberry filling and this girl is in cake heaven. Yum!!!!

  • Happy Birthday Nicki! My favorite birthday cake is one a friend makes. It is a chocolate cake with a layer of raspberry filling, chocolate ganache and topped with white butter cream icing with a hint of raspberry flavoring. It is one of those cakes that is to die for:).

  • HOPE YOU HAD AN AMAZING birthday celebrating you and the awesome woman you are!
    Btw-fav cake:FUNFETTI!!!!!! with yummy fudgy frosting…… delish!!!!!

  • Happy Birthday Nicki! Hope it was wonderful! This post has really gotten me wanting some birthday cake now 😉 Let’s see…my favorite would have to be strawberry short cake with fresh strawberries and whipped cream! MMMM!

  • Happy, happy birthday, Nicki! I hope you have a wonderful time at your surprise birthday destination! 🙂

    That is so generous to have a giveaway on your own birthday and I’d love to enter to win this fabulous book I’ve been hearing so much about! 🙂 Renee Swope’s message at She Speaks was inspiring. 🙂

    Thank you for entering me!

  • Hi Nicki! I’m sure you had a wonderful and blessed birthday! 🙂 My fave birthday cake would be chocolate indulgence by secret recipe 🙂

  • 🙂 I hope you are enjoying vacation. My favorite type of birthday cake is the rainbow sprinkle type. 🙂 Yummmmm. What is your favorite type?

  • Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday cake is ice cream cake! Hope your day is awesome.

  • Nicki,
    Hi! My name is becky. You said to tell you your favorite birthday is mine is a chocolate cake. I hope you have a great birthday? God bless you. and thankyou for enter me. Have a great day in the Lord.
    In Christ love Becky taylor

  • My grandma makes a chocolate cake with cherries chopped up in the batter with homemade chocolate icing and decorates with cherries… it is my favorite more because of who makes it than the cake.

  • Happy belated birthday! My favorite cake, could be flourless chocolate cake topped with a layer of espresso cheesecake. While I’m dreaming, let’s smother it in whipped buttercream minichip frosting. Writing about birthday cake add no pounds, so why not invent the ultimate in decadence?

  • I love birthdays. Happy Birthday to you. Hope you have a great day celebrating. I would say chocolate chip cake or apple pie.

  • Happy Birthday! My favorite cake is red velvet with cream cheese frosting (and 31 is not old:).

  • Happy Belated Birthday! I chuckled that you make 31 sound so “old”. I didn’t get married until I was 31 and had children several years later. My favorite cake is carrot w/cream cheese frosting,

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