Every Odd Against You.


Every Odd Against You.

A year ago this month my husband, Kris,  said something to me that I thought was going to send me over the edge.

In the midst of a recession, three young kids, no savings account, and a marriage that struggled to stay solid…he approached me with a thought: “I think I should start my own business.”

Do what????

As a twenty-year-old bride and groom to-be, I remember a defining day in our lives. We sat in the office of the man who would marry us. His shelves were lined with books of guidance, his desk full of files of other clients, and the gray hair on his head assured me to believe he was wise…

This man said something to us I’ve never forgotten:

“Kris and Nicki, I’ll be honest…you have every odd against you.”

Both of us looked at each other not really knowing what those words meant. We were in love…the stupid-crazy-maddening-type love.

Love would conquer all…so I thought.

Saying “I do” a few weeks later, those words haunted me…”every odd against you”.

Holding our first baby girl, the thought came to mind again…”every odd against you”.

Watching my husband lay in a hospital bed, sick and a future unknown…”every odd against you”.

Loosing his job, our home, our car and medical bills that climbed towers high…”every odd against you”.

Two children through surgeries, moving five times in two years, starting new jobs and ending jobs…”every odd against you”.

Personal struggles, selfish ways on both of our parts, depression, hardship and sorrows…”every odd against you”.

As we’ve climbed through the past 11 years, those words have never left my mind.

I’ve gotten mad at that counselor, “Why would he tell us that?”.

I’ve shouted them in the midst of an argument.

I’ve even said them back to God.

And the warm, summer, July day when my husband drove to downtown Charlotte to get his business license, those words swarmed my mind again…”every odd against you”.

My Kris is a man of few words. Which is difficult for a woman whose calling is words. But when he has something to say it is funny, witty, wise and compassionate. So when Kris said that he felt strongly that God was leading him to start this company…I had to listen…I had to trust…I had to…believe.

As I flipped the calendar last month from June to July, a smile filled my face. We made it, again…one year of owning a business. It has been one of the hardest years of our lives and without God, family, friends and wise counsel…I know we wouldn’t have made it.

Every. Odd. Against. You.

And today, for some reason, those four words make sense. I am thankful for them. I hold them closely.

I will never let them go.

The man who said them knew. He knew that they would cause us to see our greater need for a man named Jesus, perhaps more than most marriages. He knew that they would haunt us for years. He knew that they would define us.

Because its true, we have always had…every odd against us.

I don’t know what your situation looks like today. I wish I could see the greatest statistic against you or your biggest obstacle to overcome. I know that you may feel the same way I have over the past 11 years.

I know you may feel unlikely for God. I do too.

But there in that deep place of surrender and brokenness, we will see our God shine greater than ever before. In this unlikely place there are no agendas, no plans, no outlines of the perfect life…just hearts that are open to God.

So today, I celebrate. A work that God began over 11 years ago in Kris’s heart and my heart. Two very unlikely people who have seen over the years that we need Jesus, desperately.

The odds are still against us, and somehow I hope that never changes…





  • “My Kris is a man of few words. Which is difficult for a woman whose calling is words. But when he has something to say it is funny, witty, wise and compassionate.”

    Change Kris to David and you have my life in a nutshell.

    Fabulous post. Thank you.

    • 🙂 I knew there was a reason we connected well. 🙂

  • Again you hit the nail right on the head. You have such a gift of words and honoring God with them. Blessings!

    • Thanks Marsha, praying that God will continue to write this message on my heart. 🙂 Blessings to you!

  • Nicki, while our circumstances may have been different, I can really relate to your words. I wish someone had said those words to us 22 years ago. We have been through SO much, but I can see God’s hand gently guiding us to the place we are now. We may have every odd against us, but we have God for us. Many blessings!

    • Thank you for sharing this Lisa…I appreciate it so much.

  • Hi Nicki, We are facebook friends but I haven’t been to your blog before…I love this post because it shines! It’s displaying Jesus’ Light that overcomes the darkness that we face. Clearly God’s hand is on your life and His love fills your heart.

    What kind of business did your husband start? I have recently been recalling stories of businesses that succeeded during the great depression since I have my own gift shop and everything feels tentative right now…I recall the stories that “against all odds” succeeded and I am encouraged! God uses my business to connect me w/ women. It’s HIS and I walk trusting.
    Bless you and you marriage and family!

    • Well welcome Kathy! Glad you stopped by. 🙂 He is an electrical contractor and started a company called Trust Electrical. Praying that God will continue to bless your work, He is more than able!!

  • Nicki!
    LOVE this….. we have every odd against us, but I remember, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” and Phil 4:13 (one of my life verses at moment) “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” In our own strength we can accomplish nothing, but in His we can accomplish ANYTHING. LOVED this post. 😉

    Kristen Marie

  • Oh, my! Your words so resonate in my heart. I will never forget when a close friend of ours told Kevin and I that we wouldn’t make it. We were too immature and too young to be getting married. You know what… we were. We’ve had our struggles and our trials, but December 23rd marks 13 years for us!! God KNEW what He was doing when He put us together and it’s because of Him that we are still together and love one another–that we are in love with one another.

    Thank you for sharing this testimony!!

  • you must have been reading my mail! i’m encouraged today because i know though “every odd is against me” God is certainly for me! He continues to remind me these past weeks and months that He is sovereign. He is good. And, He never changes. Sovereign in my life, knower of all the details. He is a good God working all of the details together for His purpose, and He is an unchanging God–which means His thoughts and plans for me are to prosper me not to harm me so that all He’s purposed for me will be accomplished (no matter my temporary circumstances)!

    God bless you abundantly Nicki!

  • I couldnt have said it any better to be honest! keep up the awesome work. You are very talented & I only wish I could write as good as you do 🙂 …
    My website is on [url=http://www.depressionsymptomsmedication.com]Depression definition[/url].

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