“Do the thing that makes your soul well.”
Those are the words that a friend has spoken to me, more than once. Today they spill from inside me to you on this page…
My heart is full of a lot this morning.
There are good things in my heart, like the white picture frame that sits on this desk. The frame holds a picture of a man at our church who was far from God getting baptized. His face brings tears to my eyes. His arms are raised as the water that symbolizes new life drips down his body.
He’s met the man that changes everything, Jesus.
This picture serves as a core reminder of why I do everything I do.
“Do the thing that makes your soul well.”
But there are also difficult things in my heart.
I look to the side of me. Bags from Walmart are sitting here, filled with school supplies that remind me summer is ending. Life is shifting again. New days are soon ahead. A space of sadness is deep inside as I think of these babies that I’ve spent the last 11 years being at home with. We are all growing, changing…becoming.
More than a decade of life passing by. Leaving me sorting through the rubble of what is left.
“Do the thing that makes your soul well.”
Decisions need to be made. Opportunities are presented. Confusion settles in as I walk through the roads of discernment. Listening for God’s voice, looking for confirmation, staying open to the plans He has for me and our family.
I feel as though every moment that ticks by is so defining.
I’m looking into my soul, seeing what’s in there and deciding what it is that makes me well, deep inside.
I look to this picture again…
I think about the things that make my soul well.
-It makes my soul well to see Jesus change a life.
-It makes my soul well to say I don’t have things figured out.
-It makes my soul well to admit that life is shifting, plans are changing, and I’m open to that.
-It makes my soul well to be present in my girls lives.
As I think on these things, decisions seem clearer. Roads seem more mapped out. Trusting doesn’t seem so fearful.
I choose the things that make my soul well today.
Can I challenge you with these same words, “Do the thing that makes your soul well.”
I don’t what that looks like for you…it will be different for each of us.
Is it a good-bye or hello? An act of forgiveness? Or apology? An audacious move? A new job? A season of being still? A kind word?
Whatever it is, there is something today that we can do today to be well, whole, and complete in Jesus.
Do that thing…time is short, moments are passing.
“Do the thing that makes your soul well.”
May today be the day that we can say, “It is well with my soul.”
One Comment
Wow, this post spoke so deeply to me. I have just come through a difficult season and “Do the thing that makes your soul well” is so appropriate for me at this time. I am in a season of transition, where God is asking me to let go of things, some relationships, and more yet I am finding a peace I have not known before. I am “doing the things that make my soul well”
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