


Today I’m feeling like a woman with a new hair-do asking you this question,“Do you like the new look?” [smile]

I am still tweaking but hopefully this will be a good start to what I envision for this site. I hope you like it and I welcome comments and/or suggestions!

Why all this change?


This is why…

A few days ago I was talking to a friend about the new season of life that I have started. Going from a preschool mom to all kids in school mom has been a shift.

I won’t lie, it has been hard.

It is very easy when you are in the midst of being a wife and raising children to feel like you’ve lost yourself.

Add on serving a ministry and trying to be a good leader…time for yourself is g-o-n-e.

All these years, I’ve had this invincible calendar in my mind, written next to the last-baby-starts-Kindergarten date: Nicki finds herself again.

Funny thing is, I think I thought I would have ALL of this time to myself once the girls headed back to school. Not so much.

In the midst of my heart-to-heart talk with my friend, I was rambling off all the things I was doing that week. I paused and realized…I’m still going to lose myself if I don’t try to balance life.

I want to do the things I love and love the things I do.

So that’s where this blog comes in.

Writing has always been an outlet for me. I love to blog about the things Jesus is teaching me and inspire others. But I also want this to be a place where I can just be…me.

You’ll see that I have changed the tagline of this site to: Jesus, Life, Creativity. Those seem to be the three subjects that are on my mind the most, so my posts will vary [in no particular order] around those three topics.

Thank you for sticking around and adjusting to this new season of life with me.

Yes, it’s not an easy balance to keep, but try you must. Give too much, drain yourself, and there is nothing left only bitter space. Give too little, become a cork, and you block the flow of God’s love through you. Keep on balancing.

I’d love to hear from you today, what are some ways that you find balance in your life? And what are the things you love to do?




  • I really struggle with balance, too. This will be my second year with both girls in school full-time and all last year, I thought it would suddenly feel like I had all sorts of time on my hands, but that just never happened!! I want to get better at very INTENTIONALLY INVESTING my time, not just spending it on this, that, and the other thing.

    • I hear you friend, I too want to be busy with God’s purpose for me, not just “things” filling up time.

  • I love the new look! I’ve been thinking about a new look for my own blog as well, just haven’t made the move yet….Balance….AHHH….Is there such a thing? I too am trying to find balance between, family, school, and ministry…so often I lose myself too. I am trying some new things this fall, like saying NO to some things that I would normally say yes too. I’ve realized that I just can’t do it all and it’s okay to say no….


    • Thanks Jennifer! Thankful to know I’m not the only one struggling with this topic. It is ok to just say NO!!! 🙂

  • I love the next look, Nicki. Balance is such a hard thing for me too. Just when I think I have some balance in my life, something comes along and throws everything . . . off balance.

    • Thanks Lisa! I totally agree…it only takes one thing…a phone call, an urgent issue, or something comes up and we can so easily lose our balance again.

  • As a college girl, I think I’ve almost forgotten what balance is! Add on work, ministry, family and friends, and you’ve got literal chaos. My only balance comes from just being able to rest sometimes. It’s also helpful for me to understand why I’m doing the things I do, what the ultimate goal is. Life is so crazy (as I’m sure you can relate!) and keeping my eyes looking upward definitely keeps me grounded.

    • Hi Annie, I love your suggestion…rest. I think that is a great example of what God designed Sunday’s for. 🙂 And yes, keeping our eyes upward definitely helps!!

  • My momma heart is in the process of adjusting to this whole new ‘season’….I just keep going from one new season to a next…its hard and fast! Both boys are in school now…so I can relate with this post! Praying for you!

    • Wow Nichole, we are living in the same season. Praying for you too! 🙂

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