Let’s try this again.


Let’s try this again.

Hello September.

I basically neglected most of August so I promise to try better with you.

Life has been busy, crazy, chaotic and I am ready to ease back into this blogging thing.

Its been an exciting week in the Koziarz house.

First, these two…



have done it again…they are growing up!

Taylor started her first year of middle school [6th grade]. It has been a big…big change for her [and me].

As I sent her off that first day, I won’t lie…the tears were plenty. I find myself begging time to slow down these days. She had an exciting first day, complete with all the gitters you would expect.

Hope started third grade, which as the mommas all know means REAL school has started. [smile] She’s been challenged already but we love her teachers and I’m so thankful for her school.

One of the things I love the most about having girls is that when they get home from school they LOVE to “play” school…so I listen in to hear what has REALLY happened that day. It’s always amusing. Hope has great potential to be a teacher one day!

And then…oh friends. My momma heart got ripped in pieces. This one…she did it too. She grew up and started…KINDERGARTEN!


And because she’s the baby and well…it was her first day of Kindgergarten, she got a little more of a photo shoot then the other two.

I can hear it now in ten years…”You loved her more than us, that’s why she has more pictures!”









And just like that…all the babies are in school.

I’ll be honest…I cried every morning for three days. But I see how happy they are, I know their teachers are great and the peace and quiet during the day has been…a little…heavenly. [smile]

Many people have asked what are my plans now. Will I work? Will I do something new? What will I do with all this free time?

God is doing some major shifting in my life. New opportunities are being prayed over and I know that He will continue to guide me every step of the way. I have plenty to do but I want to make sure that I’m staying busy with God’s plan.

Some changes are coming to the blog and consistency is one of those big changes.

And every afternoon I have a car full of busy girls to look forward to.

Just to give you a glimpse of what that looks like take a peek at Kennedy and her video blog about…Kindergarten!





  • Oh my! I just got to watch Kennedy’s “vlog” – how stinkin’ cute is she??????? I looooooooved it!!! All the girls are beautiful and I loved the pics but that vlog just stole my heart!

    Thank you for sharing with us Nicki (AND Kennedy) 😉

  • Hi Nicki!

    I enjoyed reading your post! Your girls are precious, and they each shine so brightly! Thank you for sharing the blessing of their lives with us.

    I am looking forward to seeing where God is leading you! You are indeed a blessing and your life and commitment to Christ is powerful! Your impact is far reaching! I will be praying for you to hear God clearly and rightly discern His plan for your life.

    Blessings to you!

  • Your girls all look SO grown up- and so beautiful! Taylor looks like a teenager 🙁 – everyday I am seeing how fast these little stinkers grow- and I’m with you- I wish it would slow down just a little bit!!

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