What does that really mean?


What does that really mean?

It was a few years ago while listening to Hillsong United that I first heard these words.

I liked how they sounded. So I sang the words and I even prayed the words.

But in reality, I had no idea what they meant.

“Break my heart for what breaks yours.”

Perhaps everything I’m about to say you won’t identify with. But maybe, just maybe, there is one other person who struggles with this too.

I have a hard time allowing my heart to break.

Sure, I can hear of a sad story and begin crying in a matter of moments. Mess with my kids or my husband and you will shatter my heart. I care deeply for friends and those people who I am invested in…but all to often, the strangers of this life have absolutely no effect on me.

I’m so ashamed to write those words…

It isn’t because I haven’t been exposed to poverty, heartache or injustice. It isn’t because I’m not aware of the world around me. I don’t even necessarily think its because I’m a selfish person.

So, I’ve been asking God…”What is it?”, “What is wrong with…me?”

And this morning I felt God whisper in my soul,

“It is because you don’t allow your heart to break for the things that break mine.”

As I think about my past, the wounds of my soul are still raw. There is  hurt that has never been resolved, I realize that in the process of healing I’ve allowed my heart to become hardened. I think sometimes I just don’t want my heart to ache anymore. So my solution is to keep my heart covered up.

But a hardened heart is not a heart of God.

I’m trying, desperately trying to open my heart today. But I am afraid.

What will it look like to really allow God to break my heart for the things that break His?

I don’t know, but I do know this is a process.

Here are some things I’m learning through this…

#1 -I’ve got to stop long enough to sit down and cry.

As a woman who thrives off of being busy, this is one of my biggest downfalls. I don’t allow myself time to let things around me sink in. But I’m reminded that yes, even Jesus…sat down and wept. [John 11:35]

#2- I’ve got to be willing to be miserable.

I like to be happy…all the time. This past weekend my pastor gave an incredible message on embracing our misery to become our ministry. If I do not allow myself to feel miserable for others…I will never truly understand what its like to have my heart break like God’s.

This also means that sometimes I’ve got to allow myself to be around people who are not happy all the time…this is hard for me, just being honest.

#3- I’ve got to know what breaks Gods heart.

The heart of God is a beautiful place. But I will only know His heart by knowing His word.

Maybe these are simple thoughts. But they are the Truth that God is pouring out on me today. My heart is burdened to get to this place of really allowing my heart to break like His.

So today, I’d love to hear from you. You can be honest with me…this is a safe place. [smile] You can leave a comment above and share the truth you are discovering about this question:

What does it feel like to allow your heart to break for what breaks Gods?




  • It is a scary thing to truly uncover your heart, and let it be broken. I struggle with sitting down long enough to let what goes on in my life to truly sink in sometimes. Last night in the midst of worrying about missing a call from a friend in need I was wide awake. And it was almost like God said to me “Give me your attention.” So, there I was in the middle of the night, lying in bed wide awake, crying, and feeling the break in my heart. A sad and somewhat scary thing in the middle of the night, but when I was able to gain some composure, talk with my Father, and give my worries of the situation over to Him I was in a much safer, happier, and confident place. Thank you, Nicki for being honest and sharing! Love you!

    • Katie, I love this comment so much. I love that in that moment you heard God say, “Give me your attention.” You are gift friend.

  • Nicki, this is me -“I don’t even necessarily think its because I’m a selfish person. So, I’ve been asking God…”What is it?”, “What is wrong with…me?” I have had these exact thoughts. Why do I seem to be so insensitive sometimes? And I have prayed those same words, Father break my heart for what breaks yours. I believe the answer God showed you very much applies to me. I know I have put walls up around my heart. You can’t break my heart because I won’t let you in. Wow! Now the real work begins – learning to let God and let God do His work. Thank you for sharing this, Nicki. Many blessings!

    • Thank you Lisa for your honesty. So grateful for what God is doing in all of us!

  • Oh Nicki thank you so much for sharing your heart! It’s so refreshing to know that I’m not the only one : ) It really is so much easier to just put on a happy face and not always face reality around us. Taking Lysa’s 7 day challenge to help someone in some way is so powerful and how I was able to learn to let me heart break for what breaks Gods.
    Thanks again Nicki!! You are such and encouragement and blessing!

    • Hi Candace, Oh I so need to do that challenge!! Grateful for what God is doing through your life right now!!

  • Hey Nicki!! I can so relate…I like to be happy all the time too and I rarely cry. I can literally go months without crying.

  • If God wasn’t already stepping on my toes and pricking my heart… He’s at it again. Which just shows me even more that I’m still not adhering–surrendering enough. A few years ago, God gave me Ezekiel 36:26-27 as a life verse. And yet, I still struggle. Being vulnerable, even before Daddy is so hard. The risks involved scare me… Yet I know the joy that comes with that intimacy. My heart is on a scale, daily, hourly, minute-by-minute. At times, it tips in the Fathers direction and others, to my stubborn, hardened heart. I too want my walk, my heart, my life to tip towards to heart that IS Gods.

    I will be praying for you!

  • I, too, have wondered what that feels like. I’ve never cried for people with whom I don’t share a connection. Pain is something I like to avoid as much as possible. The quote is originally from Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, who asked, “Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God.” I prayed that once, squeezing my eyes shut and sort of jumping off the proverbial cliff, but my heart still fears it. Thank God He never gives up on us and will complete us until the day of Christ Jesus.

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