Whose dream is this?


Whose dream is this?

I’ve always been a dreamer.

The dreams I had as a little girl seemed simple and sweet. To become a wife, a doctor, a mommy, a vet, a flight attendant and a teacher -in one lifetime- were the dreams I once held close.

The dreams I have today as a grown woman seem complicated and trying. A strong marriage, raising God-seeking kids, helping end poverty, and to spur Truth to this generation are just a few of my grown-up dreams.

But after rejections, trying circumstances, or a long season of waiting it is easy to start to wonder, are these dreams in my heart really from God?

Truthfully, I don’t completely know how to answer this and I know there are others struggling through this too. We know God has great plans for our lives [Jer 29:11] but we also know that as humans we can become filled in our flesh.

In the season of waiting for the promises of God to be fulfilled, discouragement becomes strong. So, to push through my own discouragement today, here are some things I’m thinking about:

#1 If God is for it, then its of Him.

We are a culture in need of an accurate view of what God is for.

God is not for greed, hate, jealousy, anger, bitterness, pride, selfish gain or deceit. So if any of the dreams in our hearts bring out these attributes in us, most likely…it is not of God.

God is for love, goodness, generosity, mercy, forgiveness, kindness and the expansion of the gospel. No matter how big, crazy sounding or wild our dreams are…if these things are represented, God is in it.

“What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?” –Romans 8:31

#2 God dreams are engaged, not isolated. 

Every day God dreams are on the verge of ending.

Shocking statistics tell us that 90% of people who begin following God’s purpose for their lives will give up before they complete the tasks. As much as I don’t want to ever be apart of that percentage, I’m sure I already have been.

I’ve given up on God before He’s even had a chance to work because I needed to have things my way. My dreams were isolated. I’ve learned the hard way, I cannot bring my agenda to God and ask Him to bless it.

Maybe it would help to remember how much is at stake because we need things our way?

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. –Isaiah 55:8

#3 You may feel alone at first, but God will build a community around you.

As we pursue God dreams in our hearts people will discourage us. They may not do this intentionally but Satan needs us discouraged and will sometimes use those closest to us to bring us down.

You may have people that you thought would be friends forever with leave your side as you walk towards your dream. God created us with a need for community and when we feel alone, we will feel discouraged.

God always starts a movement of Him with one person but it always ends up with a community built around it. Know that your season of loneliness won’t stay forever. Be open to those God is bringing to you. He just may use the most unlikely person in your life.

 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” -Isaiah 41:10

You are a recipient of a dream from God.

I don’t know who this is for today, but you need to know that God is ready to move forward. Take inventory today. What do you have in your hands that God wants to use?

I know this can be scary but I shared my dreams with you, now I want to hear your dreams. What’s in that heart of yours? Leave a comment and lets dream…




  • I think you wrote this just for me Nicki. You have no idea how much I needed to read this today. I have such a dream in my heart and I keep wondering if it’s from God, how will I know, where do I even began, etc…This post struck such a cord in me and I know God has given me this dream. Thank you for posting this…for these words that filled my heart.

    Many blessings!


    • Jennifer, so grateful to Jesus for His words of confirmation in your life. Press forward my friend! 🙂

  • Thank you so much for writing this! Last night I prayed so hard to God for a miracle in my life that I have been praying about for years. This certain prayer has been in my heart and so often I have that seed of doubt wondering if God placed the desire there. I can say it is a very big dream and for it to come to pass would take supernatural healing, there is no power on earth capable of fixing this situation. With that said I have prayed for the same amount of time that if it is not God’s will, that He would take away the desire in my heart, after at least 8 years I still have the desire and the closer I get to God the stronger it grows! I believe that we serve a loving God and He doesn’t want his children to be tormented. I now have a peace in knowing He has heard my prayers and is faithful to answer according to His will.

    • April, I just want to encourage you not to give into the doubt voices in your life. He HAS heard your prayers and He will be faithful to answer. Keep looking, your answer is on its way. Praying for you today!

      • April, I also wanted to leave this verse with you today:

        “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” -Mark 10:27

  • Nicki,
    This is exactly what I needed to read and hear. God is speaking to my Soul and I am blessed that He cares for us. He uses us in many ways. Thanks for sharing. One small seed becomes a mighty tree that all can be refreshed under its shade. This seed of encouragement will be shared with many!
    Eph. 3:20-21 “God is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.”

  • Just wanted to let you know that this spoke right to my heart, thank you for your obedience for sharing and allowing the Holy Spirit to use you to speak to others. Just over a year ago God lead me to take a step in faith toward God’s dream in my heart and I knew that in taking that step I would walk through difficulty. And, here I sit feeling discouraged, lonely, and questioning that which God spoke to me, contemplating giving up!! But then I read this and knew without a doubt that I need to press in and on toward the calling of God upon my life – my circumstances are still the same, but my Spirit is renewed by your words – His words. Thank you again 🙂

  • I found a post (quite by accident) that was featured on an internet site. It spoke to me; I began to subscribe to your blog. Each posting gives me more and more encouragement. We moved to Nicaragua a year and a half ago, to pursue God’s calling upon our lives. We prepared for over 2 years and longed for the day when we would live full time in the country we came to call home. Just as we were leaving the States, I received devastating news that completely rocked my world. Since that day, I have not experienced much joy; only lots and lots of heartache, loneliness and discouragement. I have not been much support to my husband and have wondered how much longer I can hold on. In my mind, I am determined not to quit, that would be playing into the hands of Satan. I need for my heart to live again, to embrace the awesome privilege that God has called us to. Your words bring me hope and I know that God is using you to breath life into me.

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