Day 6: A place
There is no question in my mind of the place that I am most thankful for.
The beach!
I love and I mean l-o-v-e the beach. I hope to live there one day.
We go at least once a year. We have even camped there! [That was an experience. :)]
The things that I like about the beach are:
~Toes in the sand
~Watching my girls play
~Vitamin D therapy [I know, its bad for you]
~Spending time as a family
~Not having to cook 🙂
Do you go to the beach? What do you like the most about it?
The beach sounds perfect right about now. 🙂
I do love the beach. It’s my favorite place in the world. I was just saying this morning that I think this is the first year of my whole life that I haven’t been. (Family trip was cancelled for me b/c of Jillian just coming home—not complaining!!!) Anyway, LOVE!!
Super love the beach!! Love the peace and calm of it. Love looking out over the expanse of the ocean and being in awe of God. Love early morning walks and watching the sun rise. The beach is a place of connection with God for me. Oh, I just love it.
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