I.Am.The.Worst.Blogger.Ever. 🙂
I couldn’t even keep up with the 30 days of Thanks!
But…today is November 30 so I’m going to finish this thing up. So this might be a super long post, with not nearly as many pictures as I had hoped to post but…I know you won’t mind {to much} right?
Day 15: A recipe – Grandma Chevy’s Pink Stuff
This is such a simple dish that I love to make in the summer time. I’m sure there is a more professional name but in our family we simply call it, “Pink Stuff”. Works for me.
1 Container Cool Whip
1 Package of Strawberry Instant Jello
2 Cans of fruit cocktail
1 large container of Cottage Cheese
Mix everything together and chill in the fridge until its time to serve. Yum!
Day 16 -An experience
I think the experience I am most thankful for is my childhood. I had amazing time growing up in Europe. Its funny because I laugh at how I used to dread the weekends because all my parents would do was “drag” us from castle to castle. 🙂 I know…rough life.
Day 17 – A store: The Ikea
No explanation needed. 🙂
Day 18 – A Saying
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”
Day 19 -A favorite piece of clothing
My pj’s. Seriously. I love them.
Day 20- A keepsake
Day 21 – A disappointment
This is a hard one to write on this type of blog…how about I promise a post soon about this? 🙂
Day 22- A book
I love books. My heart flutters every time I walk into a book store. So many thoughts all in one place. 🙂
But this year, I read a book that has really rocked my world. Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller…love it!
Day 23 – A feeling
I am thankful for the feeling of discernment.
Day 24 – A photograph
Day 25 -A luxury
I am thankful for things like a dishwasher, washer and dryer. Would be hard to not have those.
Day 26 -A charity
No question in my mind about this one: Compassion International. Love, love, love their ministry.
Day 27 – A song
This changes all the time for me. But I am thankful for worship songs.
Day 28- A gift
This. 🙂 My husband is the best.
Day 29 – Something in your home
My bed.
Day 30 -The thing you are most thankful for
I am most thankful for the life I have found in Jesus. Thank you God…
One Comment
You are SO not the worst blogger ever…you are one of my most favorite bloggers 🙂
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