Something fun.


Something fun.

Today, I have a special surprise for you.

Two of the ladies at Proverbs 31 ministries worked very hard on a special Christmas book this year. Leann Rice [who we at the office call the “queen”] and the super fun Karen Ehman put all their creative juices together and created the ultimate how-to guide for the Holidays.

Originally the book was just an ebook, [which you can still order for your -reader]but today, I have some exciting news!

Leann gave me one of the very few actual “books”. It’s a gift size book, would make a wonderful gift for a friend, teacher, neighbor or even yourself. 🙂 And I get to give this book away today!!

This book is so much fun. You will find tons of great recipe’s, fabulous ideas and great sisterly advice of how to handle all those holiday moments.

So here’s what we’ll do…leave me a comment [with your email] letting me know what your favorite Christmas memory is. Then, on Thursday I will post the winner!






  • What a wonderful book!! I sure could learn from this as a new wife. 🙂 My favorite memory of Christmas is: One year on Christmas Eve, I spent the night with my best friend (also known as grandma Rosie). We stayed up late drinking hot chocolate & wrapping gifts for the next morning. Most of all we talked about our sweet Jesus, whom only both of us knew in our family. The next morning we woke up and made french toast for everyone in the family. Now, she gets to celebrate with Christ up in heaven!

  • I would love to win this book! I am a single mom with twin boys. My mind is scattered in 12 directions pretty much all the time. My favorite Christmas memory is getting a puppy. I named him Jingles. My parents hid him in the basement and took me on a scavenger hunt to find him that morning!

  • Favorite memory?

    I remember lining up in our kitchen. There are 4 of us and each year one of us would get “to be first in line”… We weren’t able to peek around the corner into the living room. In fact my patents put up a huge sheet in the doorway so we wouldnt be tempted… How fun the morning of Christmas is!!

    I’d love to win the book. Maybe I’ll be blessed with this so I can simplify my life during Christmas time… Thx.

  • My mom was a single parent most of my childhood and worked 2-3 jobs all the time to make ends meet. Christmas was hard for her, and we tried to focus on the reason for the season, and giving back, instead of wanting and asking for lavish, expensive gifts. When I was 8, much to my amazement, I received an Atari 2600 (telling my age here!), and I burst in to tears. I told mom that I knew she couldn’t afford it, and I begged her to take it back. She didn’t, and I cherished that thing like it was made of pure gold!

    This year is my first Christmas with a boyfriend and 3 kids and maybe this book can help me make heads or tails of it all! ; )

  • When my husband was in the Army he was stationed 3 years in Germany. Which meant my daughter and I were also stationed 3 years in Germany. I enjoyed living there especially at Christmas. The soldiers wives would do things like bake cookies or fill mugs with candy to hand out to the troops. On Christmas day I would always have the soldiers over for dinner who didn’t have a family or anywhere to go. I enjoyed so much giving back to those who gave so much daily. 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

  • When I was in sixth grade there was a ring that caught my eye in the local jewelry store. I loved it and I loved the way it looked on my finger even more. As often as I could I would have my mom stop by the store so I could try it on. I really wanted this ring and began saving every penny I could? I saved for a really long time. Then on Christmas morning to my surprise it was under the tree. My mom had also be saving and gave it to me as a gift. I still have the ring and even wear it when I can. What a blessing from my mom!

  • FAv Memory: Christmas Eve my whole family goes to my maw maw’s house. Which means around 25 people stuffed into a house that is around 1100s/f. It is the best! It is the one night a year we are ALL together. 🙂

  • I would say Christma of 1998. My husband and I had only been married for two days! Yup, we married Dec 23rd. There is NO way he can forget that anniversary.;-)

  • I would LOVE a book like that!! My fave Christmas memory is more of a favorite tradition. Ever since I was a little girl, my family has done a reenactment of the Christmas story. On Christmas Eve we would run around right before going to bed and get our stuffed animals and our “baby Jesus” doll and all our costume stuff. And then with our house lit only by the Christmas tree my dad, who played Joseph, would read the Christmas story from his Bible. My mom was Mary and my sisters and I played the shepherds and the three kings:). Such wonderful memories!! It is a tradition my family still keeps today, with 9 grandchildren added to the mix:).

  • One of my favorite memories was when my brother and I were younger and we didn’t have a lot of money to give gifts to other people so I sold something that was one of my favortie things so I could get my brother and parents a gift. The funny(sweet) thing is that I came to find out that my brother had done the same thing, selling what I had bought him something for. It reminded me so much of the husband and wife who sold their hair and pocket watch to be able to buy a gift (a pocket watch chain and a comb) for the other, selling the very things their spouse had bought something for for them. It cracks me up every time I think of that.

  • My favorite memory was decorating the tree with my mom when I was a kid. Life seemed trouble free back then, and we would either play the Disney Christmas carol cassette tapes or we would have Christmas specials on the TV while we were decorating. It was so much fun to find the perfect spot for the special ornaments every year; we always had a live tree so they were never decorated exactly the same every year.

  • Oh, I hope I’m not too late. Oh well, here goes no matter what. 😀

    My favorite Christmas memory is not when I was little and couldn’t hold myself in bed after 6AM on Christmas morning. It’s not when my grandparents were still alive and a part of our Christmas traditions. It’s not even before my family grew up and my siblings moved away.

    My favorite Christmas memory is after all of that happened and I learned just how precious having your family close together is. Just a few years ago, for the first and last time for a while, all of my siblings and siblings-in-law and nieces gathered at home with our parents to spend Christmas together. All 15 of us together.
    We baked Christmas cookies and built a gingerbread house.
    We pretended surprise when we opened our envelope of Christmas money from our granddad.
    We sang Christmas carols together.
    We squished around our family table, with barely enough room to lift your fork to your mouth. Opening presents took hours because we watched each person open their presents individually.
    We sat in our awkward childhood photo poses once more to take our traditional picture.
    We walked around town with the lights that made it look….magical.
    We goofed off for family pictures.

    …..the best Christmas ever. 🙂

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