Years end.


Years end.

Clocks are quickly ticking their way toward 2012…

If I had to sum up this past year in one word, it would be this: redefining.

The year started off destining me for exhaustion and about mid-year, I think I had enough. Finding life completely imbalanced, I began to withdraw.

As I’ve moved away from the desires and wants that I have had for my life, I’ve focused more on our family. Being a supportive wife, an active mom and a friend who has time to invest have been the things I’ve found important.

God has honored those decisions to withdraw, to place dreams on hold, and to learn to be present. While others haven’t always understood my choices, I’ve learned to respect the place where God draws us closer to Him…no matter how painful it seems.

Achievement tries to seduce us but I found achievement to be the thing that most rivaled my heart for God’s place.

I still find myself gazing through all that is to be in the coming year. True, I have a list of 10 goals I’d like to meet, yet I find myself being drawn to this place of stillness…again.

Stillness can be a lonely season. While others move ahead, you find yourself questioning, wondering…doubting. Thinking through the feelings of being  misplaced and on hold I stumble across this thought from God:

“So spacious is [Christ], so roomy, that everything of God finds its proper place in him without crowding. Not only that, but all the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe -people and things, animals and atoms- get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies.” -Colossians 1:19-20 [MSG]

Perhaps you are like me on this transitional day….feeling a bit broken -yet complete.

May we hold close this promise that [in God] we all have our place. While 2012 may appear to be coming in a thousands different pieces, One thing remains…

Jesus. The constant intertwining thread of hope.

So as 2011 begins to fade into the shadows…I cling to this promise of His presence for 2012. New dreams, new visions, new plans…new Hope.

Happy 2012 friends, the best is yet to be…





  • Thank Nicki! SO needed that perspective as we are thrust into yet another year! I am feeling that my focus needs to be in 2012 the same that yours was after an exhausting first half of 2011.. Time to withdraw from focusing on a dream not yet reality and refocus on those things that MATTER!! Jesus, family, and friendships. Thanks for the fresh thoughts. love and miss you friend.

  • Nicki, in this new year I don’t want to chase after anything but Jesus. He is my Source and all I really need,. I do believe that the best is yet to come.

    Many blessings and Happy New Year!

    • Amen Lisa. With you friend. Let’s pursue HIM with everything we’ve got. Happy New Year!

  • You described how I feel perfectly!!! A bit broken–yet complete. There were so many things I thought we going to be worked on and completed in 2011 and it just didn’t happen. Gods pathway was different from what it appeared at first. So although things didn’t come to be, I don’t feel like a failure or that I’m leaving things incomplete. They are in a holding-pattern for now until God releases them to me.. And until then, I seek to be whole and complete in the Father.

    I love your heart and vision for the future!

  • I get this…know that I do my friend. And because I do I will pray even harder for you! I love you Nicki and I know and believe His work in you is multiplied when invested in your family like it is.

    • Thank you sweet friend. Blessed to have you in my life! Praying for an abundance of His presence on your life this year.

  • God is calling me to be still this year. I have felt Him call me to let some responsibilities go and to be home more. In years past I KNOW that I would have really fought Him on this, but this year there is so much peace about it all. A couple of days have already been lonely, but in a weird way I have not cared. Our church is doing A Year Through the Bible and we are all going to read the entire Bible through as a church!! I am so excited and I want to be still enough to listen… because He does speak in a still small voice. I also feel more organized, my home is less cluttered and more together and I do not feel rushed to be somewhere all the time… so there’s a level of over all peace here. God be honored! He is ALL kNOWING and I need to be listening.

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