Back in December, I came across a food-blog that has turned my ‘lil world upside down.
It’s called 100 days of Real Food.
My initial thoughts were that this was interesting, but I felt like this lifestyle might be a little extreme. However, the next morning I was making my girl’s lunches and they looked like this…
-White bread with Peanut Butter
-Granola bars
-100 calorie Snack pack cookies
-100 calorie Snack pack chips
I then realized…in our seemingly “healthy” lunch, there was NOT ONE piece of “Real Food”. And my friends, this is how my girls have eaten lunch almost
My girls, the Processed Food Princess’s.
Feeling a little guilty, I went back to the blog 100 days of Real Food and began doing some more research. I spent hours reading articles and watching videos on how our food is processed and made.
Where have I been? I had NO CLUE the cruelty that many animals face and the absolutely disgusting ways large companies are manufacturing our food. For a few days, I was in shock.
Then, I really began to think through some changes we needed to make…immediately.
But, here were my concerns:
#1 TIME – Processed food is fast and raising three girls, working, church/ministry and my husband’s business take up pretty much all our time. How would I ever figure out how to make changes with the time we have?
#2 MONEY – I hadn’t shopped organics before but I had heard it was expensive.
#3 THE PROCESSED FOOD PRINCESS’S – They are so picky and skinny already, I was worried this might make it worse. I also need to add my husband into this category because well, he’s difficult to feed too.
Plus, did I really have the energy to deal with their whining about food?
I wasn’t sure.
December ticked away and it was time to make New Year’s goals and plans. After a lot of consideration I decided, we were going to take the challenge. I went to my husband and my girls and told them the news. They cheered, clapped and shouted for joy! [wink] Not so much.
There were tears [no joke], questions and non-supportive opinions.
This was going to be a battle.
While I respect 100 days of Real Food’s commitment to go at it 100% right away, I knew this wasn’t going to work for our family. Plus, I needed to learn more…I’ve been living in a food hole.
So, we are easing into this. We started January 1 and are now on day 16. There’s been some failures along the way but also some victories. 🙂
Immediate changes were:
-Organic meats, and eggs [we haven’t gotten into milk yet…I’m still having a hard time swallowing $6 a gallon for milk.]
-Organic fruits and veggies [I have a post coming up soon on which ones you should buy and which ones you can skip out on.]
-Processed snacks…gone.
Changes in progress:
-Finding breakfast foods that fit, are likable, and don’t take a lot of time to prepare
-Eating out
-Coffee [for me, this week I’ve tried no creamer, just milk…still adjusting]
-Time [this is still the biggest struggle]
-Money [I HAVE to figure out how to do this more cost effectively]
-Learning [still clueless on a lot of things]
Later this week I’ll share some more of what’s working and what isn’t working. Maybe you all can help us work through this. 🙂
Yesterday, I took my first ever attempt at home-made bread and home-made granola bars. They were a success so I wanted to share the recipe’s.
Homemade Granola Bars
1/2 cup of Crunchy PB [organic]
1/2 cup of Honey or Agave sweetener
Melt them together in a large pan
Stir in 4 tablespoons of Organic Applesauce
Add 3 cups of Organic Oatmeal and 1 cup of Organic granola
I did add a few chocolate chips to make my people happy 🙂
Put the mix into a greased baking dish and bake at 325 for 25 minutes. Let cool and then cut into shape you want.
Homemade Bread
4 cups of King Arthur Organic Unbleached Bread Flour
2 envelopes RapidRise Yeast
2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 cups water
1/4 cup of Milk
1/4 cup of Honey or Agave
3 tsp Real Butter
1/2 cup of Bob’s Red Mill Oat Bran
Mix 2 cups of flour, yeast and salt in a large mixing bowl. In the microwave heat water, milk, honey and butter until very warm [about two minutes.] Slowly add to flour mixture while mixer is on slow speed. [NOTE: the mixture started to climb up the mixers so I had to frequently stop and scrap it down :).] Add 1/2 cup of the flour and Oat Bran and continue to beat slowly. Keep adding remaining flour and bran.
Place into a greased bread pan, cover with a paper towel [or is there something else you are supposed to cover it with? LEARNING.] Allow the bread to rise 1 hour. It will double in size…freaked me out at first. 🙂
Preheat oven to 375. Bake 45 minutes on lower rack. Remove and let cool.
Yay! Proud of you, girlie. You are supermom! 🙂
I’m going to make the granola bars with the girls once we have exhausted the Cosco-sized vat of processed ones currently in the pantry.
I’m more of a cook than a baker and I’ve not made breads much because I find yeast daunting, but I’ve always covered with plastic wrap. Not terribly Eco friendly but it holds in the heat and moisture more than a paper towel, which is the idea behind covering the dough. I hope that helps.
Thx girl! 🙂
hey nicki, i am so proud of you doing this! it is hard, but gets easier. i haven’t looked, but a food co-op can be a great place to get better priced whole foods. i’m not sure if there is one in charlotte, but worth a look. my greatest time savers are kitchen tools of a mandoline, food processor and a pressure cooker. they save so much time! and trader joe’s has some standards that i really appreciate. they have NO food grown in china, or ANY gmo. love you!
Thx Julie! I’m doing some research on the co-op thing, will let you know what I find. 🙂 Thanks for your tips!! Love you!
I am really wanting to do this, too, but as you know, it is so hard!!! It’s getting easier as I learn more about it, but my biggest challenge is finding snacks that my kids (12 & 10) will like! I have ‘liked’ the 100 Days of Real Food facebook page, so I’m hoping to learn a lot with that. Best wishes on you and your family’s journey….it really is best to get away from the junk that is called food, but so hard, too!
I hear you Sandy and so understand. I think easing into is best with kids, its super hard with them. You can do it! 🙂
Proud of you Nicki. You can do it. We do very little processed food, for us it’s more about flavor than health, although health benefits are huge. Also one of the best things you can do is watch for what is in season. Brussel sprouts are a winter veggie and I mastered them this year, thanks to Pinterest. I hated them before this year. Summer is much easier with all the choices and farmers markets.
You are right you need to ease into it. Snacks my kids enjoy are fruit and I keep lots around. They would like a snack bar every now and then and sometimes I do bring them into the house, but rarely. I buy lots of trail mixes from Costco, since I am feeding teenagers.
I have mixed feelings on organic, only because organic does not always mean chemical free. We go through so much milk I won’t buy the expensive stuff. I just make sure there is not Rsbt. You are right there is way too much info out there and where do you start?
Good luck, hang in there, don’t give up, you can do this!!!
Good advice Amy! We go through a lot of milk too so that’s a big struggle for me. I might do half organic, half not? I haven’t heard of Rsbt, I guess I need to look into that! 🙂
Wow!! That is awesome. I’m going to check out that
Website and read up on this subject more. Thnks for sharing the information!!
Thanks Danielle! Going to be blogging more about this. 🙂
So glad you’re blogging about this! I’ve looked around the website some, but I’m curious what it looks like in every day life. Can’t wait to read more!
Its hard girl! 🙂 But we are taking things one step at a time!!
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