A winner and an invitation.


A winner and an invitation.

Happy Tuesday friends!

I hope you will forgive me for not having this post up yesterday, life just kinda came in and swept over the day and the blog just never made it.

I’m sorry!

I hope you had a good weekend and are enjoying 2012. I love reading all the goals that were left for the giveaway of Trusting God! So many of you are motivated to be in God’s word more and that is truly a great goal.

So the randomly drawn winner is…

Nancy Wright!

Please email me at nickikoziarz@yahoo.com with your address. 🙂

But, for everyone else, you are a winner too. Because I have an extremely exciting invitation.

My church is hosting a 12-day revival!

The speaker line-up is phenomenal! You can click here to read all the details of who is going to be there. Today, I wanted to personally invite each of you!

And I know what you are thinking right? I’m in Charlotte, NC and you are…???

But, thanks to technology and the generosity of  Pastor Furtick, everything is going to be streamed LIVE online each night.

This is going to be epic. God’s getting ready to do revive us! I hope you will consider joining us. The hash tag on twitter is #codeorangerevival, there are already lot’s of people getting excited about this life-changing event!

But today, I’d also like to know something about you…have you ever been to a revival? What was it like? Do you remember the preachers and what happened?

Leave a comment sharing your experience, I can’t wait to read about it. 🙂 Let me know if you are going to be apart of the revival too, I want to begin praying for you!!




  • Hi Nicki!

    I live in Charlotte and so, I’m a bit aware of the Elevation event. If you look around on the internet, you’ll see there’s some controversy over the speaker line up…interesting to read.

    Just a quick comment on the streaming of the revival; it’s attributable to technology, yes, but has nothing to do with the pastor’s generosity. It’s made possible by your tithes and all of the other people who contribute money. If anything it’s God’s doing and not Pastor Furtick.

    Enjoy your evenings at the revival!


    • Hi Louisa,

      Thanks for your comment, always love to connect with other people in Charlotte. 🙂

      About your two thoughts…

      #1. The reason why this is coming across as controversial is because we are trying to create a spirit of unity. Pastor Furtick is bringing in strong voices that some of the Christian community, I imagine your referring to Matt Chandler [super conservative] and Bishop TD Jakes [not conservative :)]. I think its a powerful thing when the Church can come together for something like this and promote a spirit of unity.

      #2. This has everything to do with Pastor Furtick’s heart of generosity, which yes, comes from God. I understand what you are saying, but the heart of this revival came from Pastor’s heart.

  • Thank you for posting about the Code Orange Revival. My husband and I have been logging in every night (either live or at 10:12 to watch the replay) and God has really been showing us a lot. And not only that, but my mom came to visit the first night of the revival, so she watched with us for a few nights, and has continued to watch it since returning home. And I also have another friend who I passed along the invite to, as well. So ,because of you, at least 3 more families (if not more) have been able to participate and been influenced by it! Thanks!

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