


What kind of foolish do you want to be?

When I hear the word “foolish”, I’m drawn to the story of Noah, a man passionate about the pursuit of obedience…despite looking like a fool.

In Genesis 6, God speaks to Noah about the greatest flood that was going to ever occur [ 6:12]. He instructed Noah to build a massive ark [6:14-17], to bring his family [6:18] and two of every creature [6:20] on board.

I imagine the mockery made of Noah in his community would have been painful to watch. People thought Noah had lost his mind. What kind of a fool would build a giant boat and load up all those smelly animals, while there was not a rain drop in sight?

Noah appeared awfully foolish. Until…those dark rain clouds rolled in. Until…it rained and rained and rained. Until…water covered the entire earth.

Noah inspires me but obedience like his challenges me.

A few years ago I listened to a well-known author share a story about a book she had written. The sales of the book took off very quickly. A few weeks into the release of the book, another author wrote her an honest email. It said, “I knew I was supposed to write that very same message in your book. God gave it to me, same verses, same points…everything. I disobeyed God and put off writing that book and He gave the message to you.”

In the regret of disobedience of not writing that book the author felt…foolish. As I listened to this story, I began to think of all the opportunities of God’s plans I had missed out on because of disobedience. In my own regrets, I too felt foolish.

Truthfully, God doesn’t need to use us to accomplish anything. He’s God; sovereign, powerful and mighty…with or without us. But, He wants to use us. He’s given each of us gifts, talents and a great purpose in Him.

The painful reality is, if we don’t obey God…we will miss out.

The pursuit of obedience is hard. Along the way we may lose friends, people may mock us or call us crazy. But ultimately, we will have to choose: obedience that may look foolish to others or regrets that will make us feel foolish later on.

What kind of foolish do you want to be?




  • I want to be the kind of fool who follows hard after God. Living with regrets is too hard – I want to say yes.

    Great encouragement, Nicki ~ many blessings!

  • This message has encouraged me to do what God has placed on my heart instead of what people say to me. I have been wrestling with what to do about some things because to others, it seems foolish, but I know what God has told me. If I don’t, I know the situation will end up like the author in your post…Thank you for the conformation.

  • I’m reminded there are two kinds of foolishness… One is to be a fool to the world, the other is to be a fool to God. Proverbs speak over and over about being a fool because we hate correction or don’t love God by being wise with how we live our lives to please Him, instead of self. My goal in life is to be a fool FOR God, not TO God, by following His wisdom and leading as a stranger in this world until I meet him personally forever… I am a fool to many people, family and those who hate God, but that’s ok because I’m not seeking worldly pleasures and ways; I’m living to please our heavenly Father whose love is so incredibly amazing! I want to bask in the presence of His love, and His son Jesus’s love eternally forever and ever…. I do not want to be a fool and send my soul to hell by turning my back on him or by not accepting his amazing love that cleans me from my sins… And I know He desires every person’s soul to be SAVED from being separated to hell away from His holy loving presence in heaven… So I pray and encourage everyone to pray for all those who consider us foolish because we listen to and follow the ONE and ONLY GOD who IS LOVE, that they too may be saved and enjoy the same sweet fellowship we have with Him… … Thanks for the encouragement (from all of you at P31 ministries – all your emails are so helpful and timely, even to an older and tired Christian like me); and kudos to you Nicki for giving life a great try! As I get older I realize more deeply that truly “The only thing that counts IS faith that expresses itself in LOVE” as the scriptures teach, and I see how much I keep falling short…. I want to have God’s love for others and care for them like he does. God Bless!

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